Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Kissing frogs can turn you into a prince/princess

Love, trust and openness go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. In a safe space you can start trusting and once you trust, you can open yourself… and when you open yourself, love can start growing inside your heart. The seed that you carry within your heart can sprout and reach out to the sun.

I’ve learned something about this safe space in the last 3 days. Yes, it matters what I receive from the outer and from the other ones, yet this safe space is inside me and it can not really come from anywhere else. I’ve learned that it can be so easily wiped out by fear or anger or overreactions and that it takes motivation and conscious choice to connect myself with this safe space and to stay and act within it.

I’ve learned the importance of not remaining stucked in a behavior when relating to someone, may that be labeled as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, that really going beyond words and behaviors can lead to soul-to-soul connection. And things tend to happen a lot more easily starting from here.

I've learned that beautiful things can happen between a man and a woman when being sincere to them selves. That life is a dance and when stepping on the dance partner's toes you don't just give up dancing, but say I'm sorry, pay attention and go on.

I’ve learned, again, that love is in my heart, not somewhere else. It starts from there, by trusting and opening and, most of all, by being aware.

That if the pieces of the puzzle are the right ones, they match together effortlessly.

And that, as this very dear soul to me quote from a book he's been reading, you have to kiss many frogs until you become a prince/princess :)


Sunday, 27 December 2009

The Game

I had a dream. And in that dream I received a message saying...

Life is a game. When you become excited about winning the game, you transform it into a battle and you forget about playing, about enjoying and having fun with it.
When tensions appear, it is a sign you’re not playing anymore but you’re fighting to win.
If you go back to the wisdom that lays within the innocence of a child, then you return yourself to joyfully, effortlessly playing The Game.

I don't know about you, but I'm packing now and fly off to the land of Santa Claus.

Smile :)



Am visat. În vis am primit un mesaj care spunea...

Viaţa e un joc. Când te entuziasmezi că vrei să câştigi, îl transformi într-o luptă şi uiţi să te mai joci, să savurezi şi să te distrezi.
Când apar tensiuni, este un semn că nu te mai joci ci te lupţi să câştigi.
Dacă te întorci la înţelepciunea pe care o poţi găsi în inocenţa unui copil, atunci te întorci la a juca plin de bucurie, fără efort, Jocul.

Nu ştiu ce faci tu, dar eu acum împachetez şi zbor în ţinutul lui Moş Crăciun.

Zâmbeşte :)

Din inimă,

Friday, 25 December 2009

Thank you!

Lately I’m giving myself much more time then I used to do. Time to be with myself, time to meditate, time to contemplate, time to breathe consciously, time to accept and embrace, time to… Be.

In one of these moments of just breathing and being, I realized that I can’t honor the person I am today without honoring my past. ‘Realized’, meaning really feeling this in the cells of my body. I can’t honor my past without honoring all the people that were a part of it. I can’t be really content with who I am now without thanking each one of those who I’ve met in this life… Either they are still a part of my life or they were only passing by at the crossing of our paths, each one brought me something, taught me something, showed me something… Each friendship, each relationship, each connection guided me more inwards to my heart, to the depths of my being.

And so I’m learning about the complexity of human being, about its beauty and grace, its turmoils and makings, its sensibility and vulnerability, pain and sorrows, about its amazing gift of forgiving and infinite capacity of love.

I used to express my gratitude towards the Universe, thinking that it is enough to thank God for everything I was receiving. I was saying to myself… ‘Why thank humans? I thank God, he’s the one making everything possible.’ That was when I didn’t yet rediscover that God is alive in each one of us and in everything else around.

So I learned to say ‘Thank you’. To the people that touched my life in one way or another, may that be shallow or deep, joyous or painful, I am now saying…

Thank you. You contributed to what I am today, in your special, unique way.

I take this time to honor you, to honor myself. To honor Life and Death the same. Cause it is all part of Existence.

Thank you!



In ultimul timp imi daruiesc mult mai mult timp decat obisnuiam sa fac. Timp sa fiu cu mine, sa meditez, sa contemplu, timp sa respir constient, timp sa accept si sa imbratisez, timp sa… Fiu.

Intr-unul din aceste momente de a fi si a respira, mi-am dat seama ca nu pot onora persoana care sunt astazi fara a-mi onora trecutul. ‘Mi-am dat seama’ adica am simtit in celule, in tot corpul. Nu-mi pot onora trecutul, fara a onora toti oamenii care fac parte din acest trecut. Nu pot fi intr-adevar multumita cu cine sunt acum, fara a multumi fiecarui om intalnit in aceasta viata… Fie ca sunt in viata mea in continuare ori pur si simplu au fost in trecere la rascrucea drumurilor noastre, fiecare mi-a adus ceva, m-a invatat ceva, mi-a aratat ceva… Fiecare prietenie, fiecare relatie, fiecare conexiune m-a ghidat mai mult in interior catre inima mea, catre profunzimile fiintei mele.

Si astfel, invat despre complexitatea fiintei umane, despre frumusetea si gratia ei, despre tulburarile si facerile ei, despre sensibilitate si vulnerabilitate, despre dureri si regrete, despre uimitorul dar de a ierta si despre capacitatea infinita de a iubi.

Obisnuiam sa imi exprim recunostinta catre Univers, crezand ca este de ajuns sa ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru tot ceea ce primesc. Imi spuneam… ‘De ce sa multumesc oamenilor? Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu, care face ca totul sa fie posibil.’ Asta se intampla inainte sa redescopar ca Dumnezeu traieste in fiecare dintre noi si in tot ceea ce ne inconjoara.

Asa am invatat sa spun ‘Multumesc’. Celor care mi-au atins viata intr-un fel sau altul, fie superficial sau profund, cu bucurie ori durere, le spun acum…

Multumesc. In felul tau special, unic, ai contribuit la ceea ce sunt astazi.

Imi dau acest timp sa te onorez, sa ma onorez. Sa onorez Viata si Moartea deopotriva. Pentru ca totul este parte din Existenta.


Din inima,

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

The message in the mirror

I am here.
I see you.
You’re important to me.
I hear you.
I feel your heart.
I see your light.
I receive you.
I am open for you.
You are accepted and loved.
I know you.
You are so beautiful.
I trust in you.
You are OK.
Everything is going to be just fine.
I remember you.
You are safe, loved and nourished.
You belong.
You have a place in my heart.
You can trust me.
I honor you.
I love you.

I love myself.
I honor myself.
I can trust you.
I have a place in my heart.
I belong.
I am safe, loved and nourished.
I remember me.
Everything is going to be just fine.
I am OK.
I trust myself.
I am so beautiful.
I know myself.
I am accepted and loved.
I am open for me.
I receive myself.
I see my light.
I feel my heart.
I hear myself.
I am important for me.
I see myself.
I am here.


Mesajul din oglinda

Sunt aici.
Te vad.
Esti importanta pentru mine.
Te aud.
Iti simt inima.
Iti vad lumina.
Te primesc.
Sunt deschisa pentru tine.
Esti acceptata si iubita.
Te cunosc.
Esti atat de frumoasa.
Am incredere in tine.
Esti bine.
Totul va fi in regula.
Imi aduc aminte.
Esti in siguranta, iubita si hranita.
Ai un loc in inima mea.
Poti avea incredere in mine.
Te onorez.
Te iubesc.

Ma iubesc.
Ma onorez.
Pot avea incredere in tine.
Am un loc in inima mea.
Sunt in siguranta, iubita si hranita.
Imi aduc aminte.
Totul va fi in regula.
Sunt bine.
Am incredere in mine.
Sunt atat de frumoasa.
Ma cunosc.
Sunt acceptata si iubita.
Sunt deschisa pentru mine.
Ma primesc.
Imi vad lumina.
Imi simt inima.
Ma aud.
Sunt importanta pentru mine.
Ma vad.
Sunt aici.

Din inima,

What do you know without learning?

What can always be known
being seen
or touched
or smelled
or heard?

What can you find without searching?

What is unchanged
though in constant evolution?

What is your source without a source?


Monday, 21 December 2009

Longing for Home

Some years ago I became aware of a terrible longing for Home. I didn’t know where my place is or where I belong and I was desperately wanting to find my ‘Home’. Even though I can say that I was searching before also, I think that was the moment when my search started to have shape, the shape of finding and returning Home. Now I realize it is more about re-finding, of remembering the path walked until here and now.

Although it is called ‘the illusion of separation’, this separation was real as long as I experimented it. It came from the separation my soul went through, when choosing to come into a human body to experience Life in its earthly side. The illusion came from immersing into the density of the matter, from identification with this body, with the flesh and bones that gives the soul human clothing.

The first memory I have coming from this experience it is the despair I felt when I suddenly ‘woke up’ in my mother’s womb… a space perceived as being much too dark, far too small and choking. The remembrance of the light, of the infinite spaciousness from Home, of the playing and joy from there, all it was so present and the difference so painful that I could hardly breathe. The only comfort was coming from the fact that it wouldn’t last long, that I would get out of there as soon as the body would have grow enough to leave that womb.

For me, leaving Home for taking shape in the physical manifestation was painful and this pain came from separation, from letting go being shapeless to enter into a limited physical body, as well as from forgetting the space of light and love from which the soul has came.

Yet, the soul has its own memory and, at one moment, the longing of Home can’t be hidden by any illusion… And so, my soul started the journey back, towards the love and light it came from. This is how the ‘awakening’ appeared. And the first thing to realize was that everything I live is an illusion, a game of experimenting, a game of learning, of remembering. In my way towards light I met again the pain… that pain of separation.

I rejected every time the pain when it appeared in my life, I fought with it, I rejected the people and the situations that caused pain, I revolted against it and them and life and God, keeping on asking Why? Why me? Why like this? Why AGAIN God? Why?

The Universe, patient as it is, it brought every time in my path new people, new situations, new occasions for me to say Yes to the pain inside me, to stop fighting with it, to embrace it. And it did it until avoiding pain became more painful than accepting it.

Now I realize that without embracing the pain experienced within the separation, I can’t return consciously Home and I can’t live consciously the nature of my soul… It is true, I remember and I Know that my soul comes from light and love and this means that I am light and love, if from light and love I came… yet, without embracing this pain as also being mine, I can’t take the step back in the space I came from and so, I’m not taking the final step into BEING, again, in a conscious way this time, light and love.

And you, dear fellow traveler? Where are you? What is the step to lead you Home?


Dorul de Acasa

La un moment dat, cu ceva ani in urma, am devenit constienta de un dor teribil de Acasa. Nu mai stiam care mi-e locul, unde apartin si imi doream cu disperare sa-mi gasesc ‘Acasa’ mea. Si, cu toate ca pot sa spun ca eram in cautari si pana atunci, acela cred ca a fost momentul in care cautarea mea a prins o forma, forma gasirii si intoarcerii Acasa. Acum imi dau seama ca este mai degraba vorba despre o regasire, de o reamintire a drumului facut pana aici.

Desi i se spune iluzia separarii, aceasta separare a fost reala atat timp cat am experimentat-o. A aparut din separarea prin care sufletul a trecut cand a ales sa vina intr-un corp omenesc prin care sa experimenteze Viata in aspectul ei pamantean. Iluzia a venit din cufundarea in densitatea materiei, din identificarea cu acest corp, cu carnea si oasele care ii ofera sufletului un invelis uman.

Prima amintire pe care o am din aceasta existenta este disperarea pe care am simtit-o cand m-am ‘trezit’ dintr-o data in uterul mamei… un spatiu perceput ca fiind mult prea intunecat, mult prea mic si inecacios. Amintirea luminii, a infinitatii spatiului de Acasa, a jocului si a bucuriei de acolo era atat de prezenta iar diferenta atat de dureroasa ca de abia puteam sa respir. Singura consolare venea din faptul ca nu va dura mult, ca voi iesi de acolo de indata ce corpul va fi crescut indeajuns sa iasa din acel uter.

Pentru mine, desprinderea de Acasa pentru a prinde forma in manifestarea fizica a fost dureroasa iar durerea a venit atat din separare, din renuntarea la a fi fara forma pentru a intra intr-un corp fizic limitat cat si din uitarea spatiului de lumina si iubire din care sufletul a venit.

Dar sufletul are propria lui memorie si, la un moment dat, dorul de Acasa nu mai poate fi ascuns de nici o iluzie… Si asa sufletul meu si-a inceput calatoria inapoi, catre iubirea si lumina din care a venit. Asa a aparut ‘trezirea’. Si primul lucru de care mi-am dat seama este chiar acesta, ca tot ce traiesc este o iluzie, un joc al experimentarii, un joc al invatarii, al aducerii aminte. In drumul meu catre lumina am intalnit iar durerea… acea durere a separarii.

Am respins de fiecare data durerea cand a aparut in viata mea, m-am luptat cu ea, am respins oamenii si evenimentele care au provocat durere, m-am razvratit impotriva ei si a lor si a vietii si a lui Dumnezeu, intreband intr-una De ce? De ce mie? De ce asa? De ce IAR Doamne?

Universul, rabdator cum este, mi-a adus de fiecare data in cale noi oameni, noi situatii, noi circumstante in care eu sa am ocazia sa spun Da durerii din mine, sa nu ma mai lupt cu ea, sa o imbratisez. Si a facut-o pana cand evitarea durerii a devenit… mai dureroasa decat acceptarea ei.

Acum imi dau seama ca fara a imbratisa durerea traita la separare nu ma pot intoarce constient Acasa si nu-mi pot trai constient natura sufletului meu… E adevarat, imi aduc aminte si Stiu ca sufletul meu vine din lumina si iubire si ca asta inseamna ca eu sunt lumina si iubire, daca din lumina si iubire m-am desprins… dar fara sa imbratisez durerea ca fiind si ea a mea, nu pot sa fac pasul in spatiul din care am venit si, astfel, nu fac ultimul pas catre A FI, iar, intr-un mod constient de data aceasta, lumina si iubire.

Si tu, tovaras drag de drum? Unde esti tu? Care este pasul ce te conduce Acasa?

Din inima,

Thursday, 10 December 2009

... and God said

I asked God
Can I hear your voice?
and God said
Just be silent

I asked God
How can I keep my heart smiling?
and God said
Let all your tears pour out

I asked God
How can I heal?
and God said
Let the love flow

I asked God
How can I hold this aliveness inside?
and God said
Die in each moment

I said to God
I love you!
and God said
Love me in each and every one...


... şi Dumnezeu a răspuns

L-am întrebat pe Dumnezeu
Pot să-ţi ascult glasul?
şi Dumnezeu a răspuns
Doar fi în tăcere

L-am întrebat pe Dumnezeu
Cum să-mi păstrez inima zâmbind?
şi Dumnezeu a răspuns
Lasă-ţi toate lacrimile să curgă

L-am întrebat pe Dumnezeu
Cum să vindec?
şi Dumnezeu a răspuns
Lasă iubirea să se reverse

L-am întrebat pe Dumnezeu
Cum să păstrez viu înăuntru-mi?
şi Dumnezeu a răspuns
Mori în fiecare moment

I-am spus lui Dumnezeu
Te iubesc!
şi Dumnezeu a răspuns
Iubeşte-mă în tot şi toate...

Din inimă,

Thursday, 3 December 2009

If you want me

If you want me,
you put me in a cage and I cannot know the sky anymore…
If you want me,
you put a label on me and I cannot be who I am anymore…
But if you enjoy me,
you give me the space to spread my wings and fly…
If you delight me,
you add your glittering to my inner light and together we can shine free into the endless Universe…
So don’t want me.
Enjoy me
Delight me
Dance me
Paint me
Breathe me
Feel me
Drink me
Taste me
Sing me
Love me
Celebrate me
Water me
Color me
Contemplate me
Explore me
Hear me
Know me
Smell me
Touch me
Doubt me
Leave me if you have to…
But please
Don’t want me…


Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Dreaming... Dreaming?

The Universe is infinitely expanding. Creating itself. Re-creating its wonders each infinite moment. If this is true, then how am I creating my life? How am I re-creating my universe each infinite moment? What vision do I want to hold my focus onto? What dream do I want to dream?

If I am dreaming, am I a dream too? If I am a dream, who is the one who dreamed me until now? Who is dreaming me right now? In this very moment?

If everything came from nothing, what is real? If nothing generated what I know as being real, then nothing is real. If nothing is real, and I am a part of everything that came from nothing, then it means I am nothing. And nothing is real. Therefore I am not real.

Unless... I am a reality in someone else’s dream. Unless I am real in someone else’s dreaming. Then a dreamer is dreaming me and makes me appear as real. How do I appear in this dream? Where does it all start? Am I a dreamer too? Who becomes real in my dream? Am I dreaming all these questions right now? Or are they real because I’m dreaming them into reality?

Right now, in this very moment, what IS real? It scares me to answer… nothing.


Visez... Visez?

Universul se extinde la infinit. Creandu-se pe sine. Re-creand minuni in fiecare moment infinit. Daca asta este adevarat, atunci cum imi creez eu viata? Cum imi re-creez universul in fiecare moment infinit? Asupra carei viziuni vreau sa-mi mentin focusul? Ce vis vreau sa visez?

Daca acum visez, sunt si eu tot un vis? Daca sunt un vis, cine m-a visat pana acum? Cine ma viseaza chiar acum? In chiar acest moment?

Daca totul a venit din nimic, ce este real? Daca ceea ce cunosc ca fiind real a fost generat din nimic, atunci nimic nu este real. Daca nimic nu e real iar eu sunt o parte din totul care a aparut din nimic, inseamna ca sunt si eu nimic. Si nimic nu este real. Asadar, nici eu nu sunt reala.

Doar daca sunt o realitate in visul altcuiva. Doar daca am devenit reala in visarea altcuiva. Atunci un visator ma viseaza si ma face sa apar ca fiind reala. Oare cum apar in acest vis? Unde incepe totul? Sunt si eu o visatoare? Cine devine real in visul meu? Visez toate aceste intrebari chiar acum? Sau sunt reale tocmai pentru ca le visez in realitate?

Chiar acum, in acest moment, ce ESTE real? Ma tem sa raspund… nimic.

Din inima,

Saturday, 28 November 2009

God is smiling :)

How can I thank enough this Universe for what I’m living now? How can I find the words to express something that has no shape, dimensions, color, taste or fragrance? How can I hold God to tell him… Thank you God, you’re great! Can I even tell something to the One that creates everything, something that he doesn’t already know?

And yet, what to do with all this gratitude inside that wants to be shared… wants to be expressed?

How to let Him know?

I just close my eyes and remain silent… breathing deeply, slowly, smoothly… an inner smile appears… my heart is bursting, expanding to embrace the Universe… and tears of love and gratitude are flowing from my eyes… I am overwhelmed with the intensity of my own heart, of my own feelings, of the grace that is pouring on me…

No, there are no words to express all this… so I stop searching and I surrender… I surrender to the joy, to the happiness, to the spaciousness inside, to the silence…

And in this silence…


God is smiling…

Humble, I smile back…

God is smiling in my inner smile

my heart is in the heart of God

and I am One with Everything!


Dumnezeu zambeste :)

Cum pot sa multumesc indeajuns Universului pentru ceea ce traiesc acum? Ce cuvinte sa gasesc, sa pot exprima ceva care nu are forma, dimensiune, culoare, gust ori aroma? Cum sa-l prind pe Dumnezeu sa-i spun… Multumesc Doamne, esti maret! Pot oare sa-i spun ceva Celui care creeaza totul, ceva ce nu stie deja?

Si totusi, ce sa fac cu toata aceasta recunostinta care vrea sa fie impartasita… vrea sa fie exprimata?

Cum sa-I spun, sa-L anunt?

Pur si simplu inchid ochii si raman in tacere… respirand profund, incet, usor… un zambet interior apare… inima imi explodeaza, extinzandu-se sa imbratiseze Universul… si lacrimi de iubire si recunostinta curg pe obraji-mi… Ma simt coplesita de intensitatea propriei mele inimi, a sentimentelor, senzatiilor din interior, a gratiei ce se rasfrange asupra mea…

Nu, nu exista cuvinte sa exprime toate acestea… asa ca ma opresc din cautare si ma abandonez… ma abandonez bucuriei, fericirii, spatialitatii din interior, linistii…

Si in aceasta liniste…


Dumnezeu zambeste…

Cu umilinta, zambesc si eu…

Dumnezeu zambeste in zambetul meu interior

inima mea este in inima lui Dumnezeu

iar eu sunt Una cu Totul!

Din inima,

Friday, 27 November 2009

When I dance...

When I dance I become a wave and music is my ocean. My body is just like an alga surrounded by the water, flowing with the rhythm, guided by the music, moved with such flexibility that my mind remains just puzzled.

When I allow emotions to be expressed through moving with music, they are transformed within the sound and every single cell is awakened by this energy moving throughout my body.

The floor becomes a playground for my body to create new moves, waving, jumping, turning, whirling…

When I dance, my heart opens in the embrace of music… and God is pouring himself into my being… becoming a neverending Gift…

When I dance, everything is a celebration…

When I dance, my heart says Yes
and everything unfolds within
and without…

until Time is nothing more than a moment

until there’s no more I but a continuous dancing… smiling… loving… thanking… crying… laughing… embracing… offering… melting… coming to life… coming as Life!


Cand dansez…

Cand dansez, ma transform intr-un val iar muzica imi e oceanul. Corpul meu este ca o alga inconjurata de apa, plutind in acest ritm, ghidat de muzica, miscat cu o asemenea flexibilitate incat mintea ramane pur si simplu incurcata.

Cand permit emotiilor sa fie exprimate prin miscare si muzica, se transforma in interiorul sunetului si fiecare celula este trezita de aceasta energie ce se misca prin corpul meu.

Podeaua devine locul de joaca unde corpul creeaza noi miscari, unduindu-se, sarind, intorcandu-se, rasucindu-se…

Cand dansez, inima mea se deschide in imbratisarea muzicii… si Dumnezeu se toarna pe Sine in fiinta mea… devenind un Dar fara de sfarsit…

Cand dansez, totul este o celebrare…

Cand dansez, inima mea spune Da
si totul se desfasoara inauntru
si inafara…

pana cand Timpul nu mai este decat un moment

pana cand ‘Eu’ nu mai exista ci doar un continuu dans… zambind… iubind… multumind… plangand… razand… imbratisand… oferind… topindu-ma… venind la viata… venind ca Viata!

Din inima,

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Words I might say

I might say I love you.
I might say I’ve been waiting for you.
I might say my heart is dancing when I’m around you
or that I’m melting in your embrace.

I might even say I’ve never met anyone like you before.

I might say I feel alive in your presence
and that I’m dying for your kiss.
I might say you’re in my every dream
a sun ray reflecting on my soul’s mirror…
the reason for my morning smile
my unspoken words, the silence within
a strange bazaar to fulfill my every wish…

I might say you’re my inspiration
my guardian angel or the loved one
the strength to rise and carry on…
I might say my moon is shining only over your heart
and my stars are sparkling on your inner sky…

I might even say that
my flower is spreading its fragrance only for you
or that you’re the rhythm in my song…

I might say you bring color in my every moment
adding flavor to my daydreaming
shapeless perfection entering my life
subtle moving into my daily relaxation…
and I might say you bring peace into my restless soul
soothing my thirst with your kisses
softening my wildness with your sweet caresses…

I might say you’re my celebration of love
stirring up my passions
lighting up my nights
As well as I might say that the Goddess within me
is awaken by your merely finger touch…

And I might say I'm diving into unknown Universes
just by one look into your eyes
being brought back home by your whispering voice
by the warmth in your heart
by the light in your smile...

I even might say words like
you’re my one and only
my prince
my knight
my king
my shiny one
my dream come true
my beloved
my God
my light and shadow
my blue sky and deep sea
my heaven from above…

all these and even more

Though… darling?
Don’t take it so seriously…

everything is
a big


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Love is...

Love doesn’t complain…
it doesn’t see defects
Love opens and accepts.
Love sponsors
and also knows how to receive.
Love nourishes
gently holds…
Love has no requirements to be filled
Love doesn’t know failings
nor demands…
Love rises while grounding at the same time
giving roots and wings the same
Love understands
tenderly taking care...
Love is hugging
being together
knowing and not knowing
letting go
and setting free…

and for you?
what is Love for you?


Tuesday, 24 November 2009

One with everything

It was said the heart is the engine of the body.

When I meditate on my heart I discover that the heart can be so much more then energy provider. The heart is the alchemist of my being. No matter what it is, pains, fears, blockages, resentments, anger, hatred, sadness, no matter what it is, once it merges with the heart it is melted, transformed, alchemized in pure light and love.

We are all responsible for the space we create around us. If the heart has this amazing power, to transform everything into love, then what I can do each moment is to breathe out love and light. Again and again and again. Through this, not only that I become aware of the love and light I have in my heart, I fill my own life with this love and light and I also contribute to creating a loving environment around me.

Breathe with the love and light in your heart.
Open your eyes.
And look with the love and light in your heart.
Stand up.
And walk with the love and light in your heart.
And listen with the love and light in your heart.
And know everything with love and light in your heart.
And you’ll be One with everything.


Una cu totul

Se spune că inima este motorul corpului.

Când meditez în inima mea, descopăr că ea, inima, poate fi mult mai mult decât generator de energie. Inima este alchimistul fiinţei mele. Indiferent de ceea ce este, dureri, frici, blocaje, resentimente, furie, ură, tristeţe, indiferent de ceea ce este, din momentul în care fuzionează cu inima este topit, transformat, alchemizat în lumină pură şi iubire.

Cu toţii suntem responsabili pentru spaţiul pe care îl creăm în jurul nostru. Dacă inima are această putere incredibilă de a transforma totul în iubire, ceea ce pot face în fiecare moment este să folosesc respiraţia pentru a expira iubire şi lumină. Iar şi iar şi iar. Prin asta, nu numai că devin conştientă de iubirea şi lumina din inima mea, ci îmi umplu propria mea viaţă cu lumină şi iubire şi îmi aduc contribuţia la a crea un mediu iubitor în jurul meu.

Respiră cu iubirea şi lumina din inima ta.
Deschide ochii.
Şi priveşte cu iubirea şi lumina din inima ta.
Şi mergi cu iubirea şi lumina din inima ta.
Şi ascultă cu iubirea şi lumina din inima ta.
Şi cunoaşte totul cu iubirea şi lumina din inima ta.
Şi vei fi Una cu totul.

Din inimă,

Sunday, 22 November 2009

A different kind of 'To do list'

Be silent,
live your sadness,
feel your pain,
sink into your tears if you want…
and always remember to come back
to yourself…
to your own heart.

fly away if you want…
and always remember to come back
to yourself…
to your own heart.


Fii in tacere,
traieste-ti tristetea,
simte-ti durerea,
scufunda-te in lacrimi daca vrei…
si aminteste-ti intotdeauna sa te intorci
la tine…
la inima ta.

zboara departe daca vrei…
si aminteste-ti intotdeauna sa te intorci
la tine…
la inima ta.

Din inima,

Friday, 20 November 2009

It just happens that I love the mango fruit!

Oh God, what a great AHA moment I’ve experienced tonight!

Meaning: I don’t know if you have questions that you concern yourself with for a longer time, until you find the answer, but I admit I have. And I don’t rive myself to search for the answer, no, not anymore. I just let the question to weigh on the background of my mind and I give it space. I know that in that space the answers will just have the place to freely come, all by themselves. And when they come, the AHA moment is born!

For a while, it was hanging on that background I was talking about earlier, a question connected to my last relationship where I gracefully and totally broke my heart, as I didn’t quite understood where have I lost myself this time… As anyone interested in his/her emotional wellbeing, since quite a few years (9 actually… ) I’ve read books and articles, I went to workshops, I worked by myself as well as with a therapist on the relationship matter, I’ve meditated, applied, changed patterns, beliefs and inner structures. And I keep on doing this, with perseverance, just like Edison did with his light bulb.

This being the general theme of the life stage I’m in right now, after an evening of facilitating a workshop on ‘Detachment’ – as in a detach inner state comes the AHA moment, I come home and find Inu online, good friend and biiiig big soul. And, passing from the taste of fresh ginger that one can find in our local stores, which is not that fresh as Inu says, to mango – what can I say, big and important truths are revealed starting from ‘small things’ - I just can’t believe my eyes what I see written on my computer’s screen:

“I truly believe that the higher one, our creator, when he conceived some women and the mango fruit, He put there lot of passion and patience… I feel the mango like… I just don’t have words… it is direct contact with the divinity, as if you would plug your hands into the sniff, but instead of getting shocked by electricity, you say Hello to the supreme energy. This is how fresh mango is.”

What to say, I was almost jumping around of joy that finally a man shares the experience I had first time when I eat a mango, when I decided that yes, definitely those are the qualities that I want to experience in my relationship. I thank Inu for the mirror and I tell him how I tried until now, here and there, to share from the pleasure and ecstasy that my whole tongue and mouth experience when I delightfully treat myself with the mango fruit… But the answers I received were that it is fibrous, hard, that it has a strange consistence that gives an unpleasant sensation, while I was listening every time not being quite able to understand where that huge difference was coming from… Maybe we were talking about different fruits? No…

So we continue telling stories, experiences we had along the while, experiences that led us to the conclusion that life is so beautiful and simple if we have eyes to see it, ears to hear it and soul to feel it. As the weekend gets closer, our talk slides to what we are doing this weekend. So I tell him about the workshop from this weekend and about how happy and excited I am doing this, that it is the first workshop I facilitate in the program that I’m involved in, Love is Life – Heart Intelligence and Tantra. With curiosity, Inu asks me how is with this tantra and I start telling him what I learned since I go to workshops, I read and apply… So I tell him how much I appreciate the common sense of working with myself and with my energy, both when I’m alone and when I’m in a relationship… that I discovered that everything I feel belongs to me, that the energy awakening and rising within me it is mine and so I’m not projecting it anymore on the partner, rising him on a pedestal, but rather I acknowledge within him the same energy… that I’ve learned to sense with my whole senses and to trust what I feel in my body, that actually sensing and feeling happened before also but the mind was always interfering, censoring the senses… and, what is really important for me, I’m learning to come back each time to myself, to my own space, to my heart… to be with myself as well as with the partner, and I’m learning that love, even when manifesting in a couple, it means centering and that it cannot be love without centeredness… And I keep on telling how, for me, the healing happens within my heart and that the moment when you go from fear of being intimately to actually intimacy and love is the moment when you can show yourself to your partner just as you are and in the same time to be ok with it… meaning that you’re not trembling tortured by thoughts like ‘ups, he/she sees me now, what will I do after this?’… but peacefully to be able to take 100% responsibility of your being, just as you are. And so we come to the fact that, to be able to do so, first you need to love yourself and to accept yourself just as you are, and when you love and accept yourself only then love can flower inside the couple also… that when love is already inside you, you just let it flow. This is when Inu asks

“Well, doesn’t it depend also on the field that it is flowing to?”

The very clear and simple answer comes that… what happens with the “field” is the “field’s” business.

And, suddenly, I see myself in my last relationship and I understand that we were just living through different paradigms. The words start flowing and my fingers write by themselves… I understand that I lost myself when trying to show him my understanding about love and relating, when trying to explain that a profound relationship as I see it, it is not the one that, quoting him: ‘at least in the beginning should be like wow cause afterward…’ just because the fact that what consumes with time and decreases it is not love, but perhaps lust… that I understand the fact he had relationships before and in the beginning at least they were wow but… how did those relationship evolved and where did they end up? I heard myself again saying to him that love and closeness in a couple are to be build with awareness, day by day, and that it is always a choice there… that love is an act of gratitude, waking up in the morning seeing your partner and thanking him/her that today also he/she chose to be there with you, receiving your love… that intimacy in a relationship it is something building through being present, taking a good look inside yourself, giving yourself the chance to know and to heal yourself, to go even deeper in your depths, in your love… that when you step back when facing an obstacle it is like you're setting a second date with it later in time… I hear myself again telling him about the moment of ‘love at second sight’ which appears in any relationship, when the hormones get back to normal and you start to ‘see’ your partner with goods and bads… moment when you can decide to start looking for another partner to arouse in your body the same chemical reactions, offering you the intoxicating sensations of falling in love… or you can decide to remain in the relationship and to make the step towards what really means intimacy and mature love… Here I suddenly stop writing. My big AHA was coming. It was right in front of me, clear as spring water.

He doesn’t enjoy the mango fruit.

My whole propaganda on love and relating became as unnatural and useless as if I was trying to make him feel that eating a mango fruit is a divine experience when, in fact, he finds mango to be just a fibrous fruit with a strange taste…


Se intampla sa-mi placa mango!

Of Doamne, mare AHA am trait eu in seara asta!

Adica: nu stiu daca voi aveti asa intrebari care va preocupa mai mult timp pana gasiti raspunsul, dar eu recunosc ca am. Si nu ma mai zdrobesc sa caut eu raspunsul, nu. Doar las intrebarea sa atarne asa undeva pe fundalul mintii mele si ii dau spatiu. Stiu eu ca in spatiul acela au loc raspunsurile sa vina singure singurele de buna voie. Si cand vin, se naste AHA-ul!

De ceva vreme, era la atarnat pe fundalul de care ziceam mai sus, o intrebare legata de ultima relatie in care am fost si in care mi-am zdrobit inima total si cu mare gratie, ca nu prea pricepeam eu unde m-am pierdut pe mine de data asta… Ca tot omul preocupat de bunastarea sa emotionala, de cativa ani incoace (vreo 9 asa… ) am citit, m-am dus la cursuri, am lucrat si singura si cu terapeut pe acest subiect al relatiilor, am meditat, am aplicat, am schimbat patternuri, convingeri si structuri interioare. Si fac asta in continuare, cu perseverenta, precum Edison cu becul lui.

Acesta fiind decorul general al etapei de viata in care ma aflu acum, ca sa zic asa, dupa o seara in care am facilitat un workshop cu tema ‘Detasarea’ – ca doar in stare de detasare vin AHA-urile, ajung eu acasa si ma gasesc pe chat cu Inu, bun prieten si maaare mare suflet. Si trecand noi de la gustul de ghimbir proaspat din comertul bucurestean, care numai proapat zice Inu ca nu e el, la mango – deh, marile revelatii pornesc de la lucruri ‘marunte’ – nu-mi cred privirii ce apare scris pe ecran:

“Eu cred sincer ca al de sus, creatorul, atunci cand a conceput cateva femei, si fructul de mango a pus multa pasiune si rabdare… mi se pare asa mango-ul… n-am cuvinte… e contact direct cu dumnezeirea ca si cum ai baga mana in priza, dar in loc sa te curentezi, dai bonjur energiei supreme. Cam asa e mango-ul proaspat.”

Ce sa mai, imi venea sa topai de bucurie ca in sfarsit un barbat imi impartaseste experienta pe care am avut-o cand am muscat prima data dintr-un fruct de mango, cand am hotarat eu ca da, hotarat lucru, asa calitati vreau sa traiesc in relatia mea. Si ii multumesc de oglindire si ii spun ca am tot incercat eu pana acum, ba in stanga, ba in dreapta sa impartasesc din placerea si extazul trait de papilele mele cand ma infrupt cu voluptate din mango… Dar raspunsurile primite au fost ca e atos, ca e tare, ca are o consistenta ciudata care da o senzatie neplacuta, iar eu ma uitam de fiecare data, nevenindu-mi sa cred de unde ditamai diferenta… Poate vorbim de fructe diferite? Nu…

Si mai povestim noi, eu cu Inu, asa… experiente avute in timp, experiente care ne duc la concluzia ca tare simpla si frumoasa mai e viata asta, daca avem ochi sa vedem, urechi sa auzim si suflet sa simtim. Cum se apropie weekendul, aluneca discutia si inspre ce facem in weekend. Asa ca ii spun de workshopul din weekend si de cat de fericita si incantata sunt ca fac asta, ca e primul pe care il facilitez, in programul in care sunt inscrisa, Iubirea este Viata – Inteligenta inimii si tantra. Curios, ma intreaba Inu cum e cu tantra asta si incep eu sa povestesc ce am invatat de cand ma duc la cursuri, citesc si aplic… Asa ca ii spun ca apreciez bunul simt in spiritul caruia lucrez cu mine si cu energia mea, si atunci cand sunt singura si cand sunt intr-o relatie… ca am descoperit ca tot ce simt imi apartine, ca energia care se trezeste in mine este a mea si uite asa nu o mai proiectez pe partener, ridicandu-l in slavi, ci, mai degraba, recunosc si in el aceeasi energie… ca am invatat sa simt prin toate simturile si sa am incredere in corp, ca de simtit simteam eu si inainte, dar venea mintea si cenzura… si, ce este cel mai important pentru mine, invat sa ma intorc de fiecare data la mine, in spatiul meu, in inima… invat sa fiu si cu celalalt dar si cu mine, invat ca iubirea, chiar si manifestata in cuplu, inseamna centrare si ca nu se poate una fara cealalta… Si tot asa povestesc eu cum, pentru mine, vindecarea se petrece in inima si cum momentul cand treci de la frica de apropiere la intimitate si iubire este momentul in care te poti arata in fata partenerului/ei exact asa cum esti, in acelasi timp fiind total in regula cu asta… adica sa nu dardai torturat de ganduri gen ‘aoleu, ma vede, ce ma fac eu dupa?’… ci, cu seninatate, sa iti poti asuma 100% responsabilitatea fiintei tale, exact asa cum esti. Si asa ajungem noi la faptul ca, pentru a putea sa faci asta, ai nevoie intai sa te iubesti tu pe tine si sa te accepti exact asa cum esti, iar cand te iubesti si te accepti tu pe tine, atunci poate inflori si iubirea in cuplu… ca atunci cand iubirea este deja in tine, doar o lasi sa curga. Si intreba Inu aici

“pai nu depinde si de campul pe care se varsa iubirea?”

Imi vine foarte clar si simplu raspunsul ca… ce se intampla cu ‘campul’ e treaba ‘campului’.

Si, dintr-o data, ma revad pe mine in ultima relatie si inteleg ca pur si simplu traiam in paradigme diferite. Cuvintele efectiv curg iar degetele mele incep sa scrie singure… Inteleg ca m-am pierdut pe mine atunci cand am incercat sa ii arat lui intelegerea mea despre iubire si relationare, cand am incercat sa ii explic ca o relatie profunda nu e aceea in care, cum imi spunea el ‘macar la inceput sa fie wow ca dupa aia…’ pentru ca ce se consuma in timp si scade nu este iubire ci, poate, pasiune… ca inteleg ca a mai avut relatii care au fost wow la inceput dar… cum au evoluat? M-am reauzit spunandu-i ca iubirea si apropierea in cuplu se construiesc constient, zi de zi, si ca este o alegere acolo in fiecare moment… ca iubirea e un act de gratitudine, cand te trezesti dimineata si il/o vezi pe cel/cea de langa tine si ii multumesti ca a ales si astazi sa fie cu tine si sa primeasca iubirea ta… ca intimitatea in relatie se construieste fiind prezent/a acolo, uitandu-te bine in interiorul tau, dandu-ti astfel ocazia sa te cunosti, sa vindeci, sa mergi mai profund in adancimile tale, in iubirea ta… ca atunci cand dai inapoi din fata unui obstacol e ca si cum iti dai intalnire cu el mai tarziu… M-am reauzit spunandu-i despre momentul de ‘dragoste la a doua vedere’ care apare in orice relatie, atunci cand hormonii din corp revin la normal si incepi sa ‘vezi’ partenerul/a cu bune si rele… moment in care poti sa decizi sa pornesti in cautarea altui partener care sa-ti starneasca reactii chimice in corp si sa-ti ofere senzatiile ametitoare ale indragostirii sau poti sa decizi sa ramai in relatie si sa faci pasul catre ceea ce este de fapt intimitatea si iubirea matura… Si ma opresc brusc din scris. Marele meu AHA venise. Era aici, chiar in fata mea, limpede ca apa de izvor.

Lui nu-i place mango.

Toata propaganda mea despre iubire si relatii a devenit la fel de nefireasca si de inutila ca si cum as fi incercat sa-l fac sa simta ca a manca mango este o experienta divina cand, de fapt, pentru el este doar un fruct atos cu gust cam ciudat…

Din inima,

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

The paradox of the heart…

In love there is freedom and letting go…
In love there is deepest acceptance…
In the space of love there is a place for everything…
and everything that reaches the spaces of love melts away to become nothing.
In the space of love the mind just remains puzzled.
And yet the heart just goes on expanding beyond limits
until it is no more.
It has been said…
‘The more silent you become, the more you hear’…
The more you let go,
the more you let God to fill you...

Let go…


Monday, 16 November 2009


Just what are you saying, my old heart?
What are your whispers about?
What old wounds are you crying of?
What treasures are you hiding deep inside?
What longings are you carrying on?
What gifts are you offering?
What blessings are you pouring out?
Where are you sending out your calling?
Where do you want to guide me to?

I’m here, my heart…
I feel your rhythm…
it brings me the breath of life
I see your stories…
visions of golden sands and deep waters
visions of wild nature and endless skies
And, most of all…

I hear you now, my heart…

In the stillness of your source
I’m resting…
In the depth of your silence
I am listening…
In your light
I find my rebirth
And in your love
I find myself


Saturday, 14 November 2009

We are One

I just heard the word ‘separation’ and something moved inside me that made me cry… I feel the longing inside me now and it is not anymore the longing for a love partner in my life, for a family, for a home…

I was missing myself all this time, not knowing that everything I could ever need or want is already inside me.

I was missing that place inside where everything just Is, where silence dwells, where all is… endlessness…

When I was feeling that something is missing in my life I was so right… What was missing was this connection with this deep space inside, with my center, with my depth, with my stillness, with my ageless self, with the wisdom of all there is which, as unbelievable as it might seem, it is right here, inside me…

When I’m in this space inside, I know it’s not something that I can call it ‘mine’ and still it is inside me… and I finally understand the ‘We are One’ reality… as the same space is inside you also and you either can’t call it ‘yours’, and still you have it inside… and so does every single being on this earth, and the earth itself and the universe and all there is…

When I’m in this space inside, we are One indeed, as we all have the same center, the same essence… we all come from the same space and that is the only part in us that cannot ever die… because it has no beginning and it has no end… it just IS there… here…

All I can say is… Thank you. And then the silence remains all over… inside me… around me…


Suntem cu toţii Unu

Tocmai am auzit cuvântul ‘separare’ şi ceva s-a mişcat în interiorul meu care m-a făcut să plâng… A trezit acest dor în mine şi îmi dau seama că nu mai este acel dor de un partener de viaţă, de a avea o familie, un cămin…

Mi-a fost dor de mine în tot acest timp, neştiind că tot ce aş putea vreodată avea nevoie şi tot ce mi-aş putea dori este deja în interiorul meu.

Îmi era dor de acest loc din interior unde totul pur şi simplu Este, unde domneşte liniştea, unde totul este… nelimitat…

Când simţeam că ceva lipseşte din viaţa mea aveam atât de multă dreptate… Ceea ce lipsea era această conexiune cu spaţiul profund din interiorul meu, cu centrul meu, cu adâncimea din mine, cu liniştea mea, cu sinele meu fără de vârstă, cu înţelepciunea a tot ceea ce este, care, pe cât de incredibil pare, este chiar aici, în interiorul meu…

Când sunt în acest spaţiu, ştiu că nu este ceva pe care să-l pot numi ‘al meu’ şi totuşi este înăuntrul meu… şi în sfârşit am înţeles realitatea ‘suntem cu toţii Unu’… pentru că acelaşi spaţiu se află şi în interiorul tău şi nici tu nu-l poţi numi ‘al tău’ şi totuşi îl porţi în tine… aşa cum se întâmplă cu fiecare fiinţă de pe acest pământ, şi cu pământul însuşi şi cu universul şi cu tot ceea ce este…

Când sunt în acest spaţiu din interior suntem într-adevar Unu, cu toţii având acelaşi centru, aceeaşi esenţă… Cu toţii ne naştem din acelaşi spaţiu iar aceasta este singura parte din noi care nu poate niciodată muri… pentru ca nu are început şi nu are sfârşit… pur şi simplu ESTE acolo… aici…

Tot ce pot să spun este… Mulţumesc. Iar apoi tăcerea rămâne peste tot… înăuntrul meu… în afara mea…

Din inimă,

Friday, 13 November 2009

Proud or grateful?

The heart knows humbleness, it does not know pride. When you’re proud of achieving something, that’s your Ego thinking that somehow it’s your special praiseworthy… And this is possible only when you think you’re separate from All, from Universe, from God, and you take on your behalf whatever it is in your life. The moment you realize that it is a greater power manifesting through you, as well as through others and through every event in your life, you become humble and grateful for being chosen as a tool in this infinite Universe that we’re all part of. When you Know you’re One with everything that is life, then you can feel only love, humbleness and gratitude for the greatness of All there IS.

Then you'll not be proud anymore for your shiny car and for your beautiful cozy house, but you'll be grateful for using them. Then you'll not be proud for your success at work, but you'll feel gratitude to have fulfilled your role.

Then you will not be proud anymore that your partner is beautiful, intelligent, charming, tender, sensible, wise, loving, special… You will not be proud anymore that you have him or her as a partner. Rather, you’ll feel gratitude for him or her being in your life. You’ll thank the Universe that your life has been touched by another life… You’ll feel blessed that you have enriched each other’s existence…

When you’re in your mind, you are proud.

When you’re in your heart, you feel humble and grateful.

That’s the difference between mind and heart, between thinking you’re in love and loving.


Thursday, 12 November 2009

Once upon a time...

With your heart broken you’ve ended another relationship. Once again, in the end He or She proved to be just an ordinary he or she. And, for a while, you ask yourself what and how it happened, where did you go wrong, how come you couldn’t see the real he, the real she… Maybe you blame yourself or you find flaws to the one who was, for a while, ‘the other half’…

With time, Life catches you with day to day activities, maybe you even discover new things to experience… a dance course or maybe a drawing class, a new type of massage, another self development group, a new form of therapy, the last Eckhart Tolle book that was waiting on your desk since quite some time…

And the questions start, slowly, slowly, to disappear… The day doesn’t begin anymore with that pressure on your chest and you simply don’t know when you started to smile again. You realize that, in the meantime, the sun was rising everyday as warm and shiny as always, that stars show on the same spot in the sky, that the moon phases increase and decrease in the same well-known rhythm… It’s true, the tree in front of your house doesn’t anymore have flowers but the kids are already enjoying its fruits. Here’s another reason for you to smile. The wounds healed and remained somewhere in the past. And you can even ask yourself if the pain was indeed as big or as deep as you thought it was. Maybe you overreacted a bit and, after all, look just how much time you have now for yourself and how much you changed.

Bashfully, a contentment feeling rises up. You’re with yourself again. Your heart starts to relax. Life gets color again, the days start to have taste and you discover that each moment has its own flavor… And you… you shine! Having this new inner state you walk on the street, go to the office, to the café, and is like you have something inside that continuously attracts other people’s eyes.

The dream appears, first in a delicate way, then stronger and stronger. A new love. You want again for Someone in your life to share the color, the taste, the flavor. You miss a feeling, you miss the sensations in your body when you have that feeling. And your eyes start again to search for Someone. A tiny little voice can be heard inside, saying that maybe this time Someone it will be really Him or Her, who knows? The heart is slightly trembling when those eyes remain fixed just a second longer when they meet your eyes.

You’ve just met Someone and you fell in love.

Your colleagues, friends, family, everyone is telling you the same thing… You’re changed! You look so good! You radiate! Your smile is now bravely hanging on the corners of your eyes and there’s no way for it to get out of there. Your heart is beating faster and everything happens more intense around you. The sky is bluer, the flower more perfumed, even the honey is sweeter. The time has its own law on passing and it’s either flying like crazy, either is refusing to pass no matter what you do. People are suddenly prettier, happier and even that old lady neighbor of yours, the curious and pushy one, seems nicer now. What to say… this time Someone is just like some lens through which everything looks more beautiful, more interesting, more alive, more colorful, more perfumed… a wonder along with whom everything is smoother, easier and freely flowing… You have entered again the intoxicating spiral of the chemistry between a woman and a man.

Like a challenge meant to interrupt this torrent of dreams and to reconnect your feet with the ground, Life is asking you…

Have you learned to love yourself? To respect yourself?
Have you learned to listen to your heart and to your inner truth?
Do you know now not to lose yourself in your fantasies’ whirling?
Have you learned to give yourself gentleness and affection instead of waiting for them to come from Someone?
Do you know not to project anymore, not to blame Someone, but to take responsibility for your own existence?
Have you learned to be with you and, in the same time, to be present with Someone?
Can you now give without expecting something in return?

Have you learned to Love without asking for anything?

If Yes, Life lovingly smiles at you…
If No, Life lovingly smiles at you and gives you, once again, the chance to learn.
And Life is patient… knowing that, eventually, you will learn… Cause we are all learning at some moment in time…

And in that moment, same as Life, we’ll smile lovingly, kind, patient…



A fost odată ca niciodată...

Cu inima rănită ai mai terminat o relaţie. Încă o dată, El sau Ea s-a dovedit a fi până la urmă doar un el obişnuit, o ea obişnuită. Şi, o perioadă, te întrebi ce şi cum s-a întâmplat, unde ai greşit, cum de n-ai putut vedea cum era într-adevăr el sau ea… Poate că te învinovăţeşti ori îi găseşti cusururi celui/celei care a fost, pentru o vreme, “jumătatea”…

La un moment dat, Viaţa te prinde în activităţi de zi cu zi, poate chiar descoperi noi lucruri de experimentat… un curs de dans ori poate de desen, un nou tip de masaj, un alt grup de dezvoltare personală, o nouă formă de terapie, ultima carte a lui Eckhart Tolle care te aştepta pe birou de ceva vreme…

Şi întrebările dispar uşor uşor… Ziua nu mai începe cu apăsarea aceea în piept şi nici tu nu ştii când ai început să zâmbeşti iar. Iţi dai seama că, între timp, soarele a continuat să răsară în fiecare zi la fel de călduros şi strălucitor, că stelele apar şi ele în acelaşi loc pe cer, că luna creşte şi scade în acelaşi ritm ştiut… E drept, copacul din faţa blocului nu mai are flori între timp, dar copiii deja se bucură de fructele lui. Iată încă un motiv să zâmbeşti. Rănile s-au vindecat şi au rămas undeva în trecut. Şi poţi chiar să te întrebi dacă într-adevăr durerea a fost atât de mare sau de profundă pe cât credeai. Poate că ai exagerat un pic atunci şi până la urmă, uite cât timp ai acum pentru tine şi cât de mult te-ai transformat.

Timid, răsare un sentiment de mulţumire. Eşti tu cu tine iar. Inima ta începe să se relaxeze. Şi viaţa capătă iar culoare, zilele gust şi descoperi că fiecare moment are aroma lui proprie… Iar tu… tu străluceşti! Cu această stare mergi pe stradă, la birou, la cafenea, şi parcă ai ceva în interior care atrage necontenit privirile celorlalţi.

Visul apare, la început firav, iar apoi din ce în ce mai pregnant. O nouă iubire. Îţi doreşti iar pe Cineva în viaţa ta cu care să împărtăşeşti culoarea, gustul, aroma. Ţi-e dor de un sentiment, de senzaţiile din corpul tău atunci când ai acel sentiment. Şi începi să cauţi cu privirea pe Cineva. O voce firavă se aude din interior că poate de data aceasta Cineva este chiar El sau Ea, cine ştie? Inima tresare când ochii aceia se odihnesc jucăuşi cu o secundă mai mult când întâlnesc ochii tăi.

Ai întâlnit pe Cineva şi te-ai îndrăgostit.

Colegii, prietenii, familia, cu toţii îţi spun acelaşi lucru… Te-ai schimbat! Arăţi atât de bine! Radiezi! Zâmbetul tău acum se agaţă cu vitejie de colţul ochilor şi nici gând să plece de acolo. Inima bate mai repede şi totul se întâmplă mai intens în jurul tău. Cerul e mai albastru, florile sunt mai parfumate, până şi mierea e mai dulce. Timpul are propria lui lege dupa care fie zboară, fie refuză să treacă orice ai face tu. Oamenii sunt dintr-odată mai frumoşi, mai veseli şi până şi vecina aceea în vârstă, curioasă şi insistentă, pare mai drăguţă acum. Ce să mai… de data asta Cineva e pur şi simplu ca o lentilă prin care totul e mai frumos, mai interesant, mai viu, mai colorat, mai parfumat, o minune alături de care totul este mai lin, mai uşor, mai curgător… Ai intrat iar în ameţitoarea spirală a chimiei dintre o femeie şi un bărbat.

Ca o provocare, menită parcă să întrerupă torentul acesta de vise şi să-ti readucă picioarele pe pământ, Viaţa te întreabă…

Ai învăţat să te iubeşti? Să te respecţi?
Ai învăţat să îţi asculţi inima şi adevărul interior?
Ştii acum să nu te mai pierzi în vârtejul fanteziilor tale?
Ai învăţat să îţi oferi blândeţe şi afecţiune fără să mai aştepti să vină din exterior?
Ştii să nu mai proiectezi, să nu mai împarţi vinovăţii şi să-ţi asumi responsabilitatea pentru propria-ţi existenţă?
Ai învăţat să fii cu tine şi, în acelaşi timp, să fii prezent/ă cu Cineva?
Vrei şi poţi acum să dăruieşti fără să aştepţi ceva în schimb?

Ai învăţat să iubeşti fără să ceri?

Dacă Da, Viaţa îţi zâmbeşte iubitoare…
Dacă Nu, Viaţa îţi zâmbeşte iubitoare şi iată, încă o dată îţi dă şansa să înveţi.
Şi Viaţa are răbdare… ştie că, până la urmă tot vei învăţa… Noi toţi învăţăm la un moment dat…

Şi atunci, ca şi Viaţa, vom zâmbi iubitori, înţelegători, răbdători…


Din inimă,

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Love, the mystery...

Love is a mystery. It cannot be understood, contained by the mind. It can be experienced, lived, tasted, felt, danced, painted… different aspects, same mystery.

It is said that the mystery cannot be contained in ‘something’ because it is infinite. It has no beginning and no end. It has no borders, halves or middle. It has no steps or levels. The mystery simply is.

But I believe that the heart can embrace the mystery. I believe that when you let all the walls that fear has build around the heart to be melted, what you discover is the incredible quality of the heart to embrace All. Good and bad. Beautiful and ugly. Sound and silence. Up and down. Cold and hot. Dark and light. Chaos and stillness. Laugh and cry. Black and white and all the colors from this Universe. The Universe itself. And even the Multiverse we exist in. It can embrace All that is and All that is not at once.And I believe that, if something else would and would not exist there is still space in the heart to embrace it.

Because the heart itself is a mystery. Infinite. It has no beginning and no end. It has no borders, halves or middle. It has no steps or levels. The heart simply is. It accepts, transforms, alchemize.

What it gives it life and makes everything possible is… love.

The heart loves. It doesn’t know any other language, it doesn’t know any other manifestation or other reality then the one of love. And so it is that love contains All that is and All that is not. So it is that love understands what is manifested and what is yet un-manifested. Love knows to listen to what is said and unsaid.

And, in silence, love whispers…


Iubirea, misterul...

Iubirea este un mister. Nu poate fi inteleasa, cuprinsa de minte. Poate fi experimentata, traita, gustata, simtita, dansata, pictata… diferite aspecte, acelasi mister.

Se spune ca misterul nu poate fi cuprins in ‘ceva’ pentru ca este infinit. Nu are inceput si nu are sfarsit. Nu are margini, jumatati ori mijloc. Nu are etape si nici niveluri. Misterul pur si simplu este.

Dar eu cred ca inima poate imbratisa misterul. Cred ca atunci cand lasi sa se dizolve toate zidurile pe care frica le-a construit in jurul inimii, ceea ce descoperi este incredibila calitate a inimii de a imbratisa Totul. Bun si rau. Frumos si urat. Sunet si liniste. Sus si jos. Rece si cald. Intuneric si lumina. Haos si nemiscare. Ras si plans. Alb si negru si toate culorile din Universul acesta. Universul in sine. Si chiar Multiversul in care existam. Poate imbratisa Tot ce este si ce nu este deopotriva. Si cred ca, daca ar mai fi si n-ar mai fi ceva, tot mai exista spatiu in inima pentru a-l imbratisa.

Pentru ca inima este ea insasi un mister. Infinita. Nu are inceput si nu are sfarsit. Nu are margini, jumatati ori mijloc. Nu are etape si nici niveluri. Inima pur si simplu este. Accepta, transforma, alchimizeaza.

Iar ceea ce-i da viata si face totul posibil este… iubirea.

Inima iubeste. Nu stie alt limbaj, nu cunoaste alta manifestare ori alta realitate decat cea a iubirii. Si astfel iubirea cuprinde tot ce este si tot ce nu este. Astfel iubirea intelege ceea ce este manifestat si ceea ce este inca nemanifestat. Stie sa asculte ceea ce este rostit si ceea ce este nerostit.

Si, in liniste, iubirea sopteste…

Din inima,

Thursday, 5 November 2009

I saved myself from 'saving'

As a true 'Savior' I was living my life 'saving' others by helping them. Thinking that people need my help, I was giving them, with all my good intentions, whatever resources I had, be that knowledge, assistance... And the funny thing is that these 'helping' situations were ending more or less with me feeling frustrated and pressured, asking 'I am giving you everything. Why do you need to demand for it, since I am anyway freely giving it?'

Now, knowing that repetitive situations come with a meaning, I started to search for 'the catch' in this. And so I learned that wanting to help someone goes hand in hand with sending out the message 'you're not good enough / you can't handle this / you won't manage... '. I learned that by saying to someone 'I can help you, I'll do it for you' that person is being minimized. That by not giving trust in someone's capabilities and resources, the very potential of that person is being cutted off.

The painful truth was that, while I was thinking that it is about the other's wellbeing, it was in fact about my own need to help, to feel useful. Realizing this chaged my whole perspective.

People don't need help, they don't need to be saved. If there is something that we, human beings, need... that is Love.

The quality of my attention has changed since I'm not searching anymore 'ways to help'. With time I learned that love has no desire to change. Love simply accepts what is, as acceptance is its nature. And, paradoxically, letting go to any desire to change, a door is open: the door to the space of acceptance, to the space of authenticity within. The only space where true transformation becomes possible.
With time I learned that I'm not here to help you, I'm here to offer nourishment an support and my undivided attention, being open, loving, warm and kind. And most of all, respecting your inner potential, your true nature, your uniqueness.

If you're not satisfied and you're still demanding 'more'... remember that fulfilling your needs is different than meeting up your expectations.


M-am salvat de a salva

Ca o adevarata 'Salvatoare', mi-am trait o buna parte din viata 'salvandu-i' pe ceilalti. Crezand ca oamenii au nevoie de ajutorul meu, le dadeam, de altfel cu cele mai bune intentii, orice putea fi considerat resursa - cunoastere (practic si/sau teoretic), asistenta, lucruri materiale... Partea care-mi dadea cu virgula era ca, aceste situatii ori relatii in care eu eram 'salvatoare' se terminau, mai mult sau mai putin cu mine simtindu-ma sub presiune si frustrata, intreband 'Daca iti dau tot ce am, de buna voie, de ce mai e nevoie sa vii si sa imi ceri?'

Stiind eu ca orice situatie care se repeta vine cu un rost, am inceput sa caut unde-i 'smecheria'. Si asa am invatat ca a vrea sa ajut pe cineva vine la pachet cu mesajul 'Nu esti destul de bun(a) / Nu te poti descurca / Nu vei reusi... '
Am mai invatat ca, a spune cuiva 'Fac eu asta in locul tau' minimizeaza omul respectiv. Ca, prin a nu avea incredere in capacitatile si resursele cuiva, anulez potentialul acelui om.

Adevarul (crud asa) era ca, in timp ce-mi spuneam ca este vorba despre binele celuilalt, de fapt era vorba despre propria mea nevoie de a ajuta, de a ma simti utila. Cand mi-am dat seama de asta, s-a schimbat si perspectiva.

Oamenii nu au nevoie de ajutor, nu au nevoie sa fie salvati. Daca este ceva de care noi, oamenii, avem intr-adevar nevoie, este Iubire.

Calitatea atentiei mele s-a schimbat de cand nu mai caut moduri prin care sa ajut, sa salvez. Cu timpul, am invatat ca iubirea nu doreste sa schimbe nimic. Iubirea pur si simplu accepta, intrucat acceptarea este chiar natura ei. Si, paradoxal, eliberand orice dorinta de a schimba, se deschide o usa: usa catre spatiul acceptarii, catre spatiul autenticitatii ce vine din interior. Singurul spatiu unde adevarata transformare devine posibila.
Cu timpul, am invatat ca nu sunt aici sa te ajut, ci sunt aici sa ofer aceasta prezenta hranitoare, sprijin si intreaga mea atentie, fiind in natura mea deschisa, iubitoare, calda si blanda. Si, in special, respectand potentialul tau, adevarata ta natura, unicitatea ta.

Iar daca asta nu te satisface si inca ceri 'mai mult'... aminteste-ti ca a-ti implini nevoile este diferit de a satisface asteptarile tale.

Din inima,

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

For better and for worse

Tonight I saw a French movie, Le Roi Guillaume.

He’s telling her ‘Remember when I said for better and for worse? Now I give you the worse part of it’. They both start to laugh, he’s taking her in his arms, the movie goes on to the next scene. I remain here…

I’m touched by how simple yet profound these words are. Makes me wonder, when being in a relationship, how much courage you need to be able to recognize one day that ‘Today I have nothing good to offer, I am giving you only the bad part’? And how much openness and trust you need to be able to accept such an offer with the same joy you would receive the ‘better’?

I realize now how connected these two are – receiving the ‘better’ and receiving the ‘worse’. As indeed much trust is needed to receive, trust in the one offering, trust that it is a gift no matter the way it is coming in.

I lived a long time without being able to enjoy what I was receiving, to consciously enjoy at least what I was doing well for myself. I was having the idea that I have to give and nothing else. And every time I ended up by feeling like a squeezed orange after you took out of it the very last juice drop. I was rising against all the injustice perceived around me, against the injustice made on myself, in fact rejecting what I was labeling as ‘bad’.

It took me quite a while to understand that, rejecting the ‘bad’, I was rejecting in the same time the ‘good’ also. That ‘to receive’ is a quality manifesting no matter what is to be received. That when I open to receive the ‘worse’ in my life, only then I can truly receive the ‘better’.

And so I started to receive… ‘good’ AND ‘bad’. It was so I started to receive All that is happening in my life, to accept without judging, without adding labels with all sorts of descriptions… ‘better’, ‘worse’, ‘nice’, ‘useful’, ‘uncomfortable’…

And things simply are.
Events simply are.
People simply Are.

You also can take some time and ask yourself...

Where do you still keep 'little' labels?
What are you trying to keep out of your life because is ‘bad’?
What are you afraid to lose because it’s ‘good’?
And what is happening if you just watch without labeling?

In the end, it is so simple…


La bine şi la rău

În seara aceasta am văzut, printre picături, un film franţuzesc, Le Roi Guillaume.

El îi spune ei ‘Îţi aduci aminte când am jurat să fim împreună la bine şi la rău? Ei bine, astăzi îţi dăruiesc răul’. Încep amândoi să râdă, el o ia în braţe, filmul trece la următoarea scenă. Eu rămân aici…

M-a atins simplitatea frazei şi profunzimea ei. Şi mă întreb, într-o relaţie, de cât curaj este nevoie să poţi recunoaşte într-o bună zi ‘astăzi nu am ceva bun de oferit, îţi ofer răul’. Şi de câtă deschidere şi încredere este nevoie să poţi accepta aşa o ofertă, cu aceeaşi bucurie cu care ai primi ‘binele’?

Îmi dau seama acum cât de legate sunt cele două – a primi ‘binele’ şi a primi ‘răul’. Căci într-adevăr e nevoie de multă încredere pentru a primi, încredere în cel ce dăruieşte, încredere că este un ‘dar’ indiferent de forma în care vine.

Am trăit mult timp fără să mă pot bucura de ceea ce primeam, fără să savurez conştient nici măcar ce făceam eu bine pentru mine. Aveam în minte ideea că trebuie doar să dăruiesc şi atât. Şi, invariabil, ajungeam să mă simt ca o coajă de portocală după ce ai stors din ea şi ultima picătura de suc. Mă revoltam, mai mult sau mai puţin în sinea mea, pentru toată nedreptatea percepută în jur, pentru nedreptatea care mi se făcea, respingând, de fapt, prin revoltă, ceea ce eu etichetam ca ‘rău’.

Mi-a luat ceva timp să înţeleg că, respingând ‘răul’, respingeam în acelaşi timp şi ‘binele’. Că ‘a primi’ este o calitate care se manifestă indiferent de ceea ce este de primit. Că atunci când mă deschid să primesc ‘răul’ din viaţa mea, doar atunci pot primi cu adevărat şi ‘binele’. Şi aşa am început să primesc… şi ‘bine’ şi ‘rău’.

Aşa am început să primesc Tot ce se întâmplă în viaţa mea, să accept fără să mai judec, fără să mai lipesc etichete cu descrieri care mai de care… ‘bine’, ‘rău’, ‘drăguţ’, ‘folositor’, ‘incomod’…

Şi lucrurile doar sunt.
Evenimentele doar sunt.
Oamenii doar Sunt.

Şi poţi să-ţi iei câteva momente să te întrebi...

Unde anume mai păstrezi 'mici' etichete?
Ce încerci să ţii la distanţă pentru că e ‘rău’?
Ce anume îţi este teamă să pierzi pentru că e ‘bun’?
Şi ce se întâmplă dacă doar priveşti fără a eticheta?

În final, e atât de simplu…

Din inimă,

Sunday, 1 November 2009

I love, I learn, I Love

I tried to learn about love and Love. I’ve searched it, wanted it, tasted it, both love and Love. I’ve loved and I’ve Loved.

And I discovered that Love comes from the heart and not from the ego... and the moment you say to yourself 'oooohhh my love comes from the heart, this means it is Real Love', that very moment you should know that it is the ego talking... And that's ok too, just acknowledge it as a fact, without blaming or judging yourself, and go back to your heart... gentle… lovingly… return to your heart as many times as necessary…

If you can find silence when you're there... then you'll know you have found Love... and there's nothing for you to do... just be... be there in your heart... without waiting for anything to happen, without wanting anything, without desire for anything... just be...

And in that stillness, when you'll no longer wait or want anything, silence will appear and suddenly you'll realize it was there all the time... It was everywhere around you, inside you... And in that stillness, in that silence, Love will arouse and you’ll know it was always there… around you, inside you… you’ll know that it was not missing even a single moment of your life… it was always there… waiting for you to just stop… stop from your complaining, stop from your longing, stop from your endlessly searching outside what you already had inside…

Then a smile will be on your face, but a smile without reason, a smile that will have its roots deep into your heart, deep into your centeredness...

And you’ll recognize the moment you’re not clinging on anything as the very moment that everything comes to you.
