Friday, 25 December 2009

Thank you!

Lately I’m giving myself much more time then I used to do. Time to be with myself, time to meditate, time to contemplate, time to breathe consciously, time to accept and embrace, time to… Be.

In one of these moments of just breathing and being, I realized that I can’t honor the person I am today without honoring my past. ‘Realized’, meaning really feeling this in the cells of my body. I can’t honor my past without honoring all the people that were a part of it. I can’t be really content with who I am now without thanking each one of those who I’ve met in this life… Either they are still a part of my life or they were only passing by at the crossing of our paths, each one brought me something, taught me something, showed me something… Each friendship, each relationship, each connection guided me more inwards to my heart, to the depths of my being.

And so I’m learning about the complexity of human being, about its beauty and grace, its turmoils and makings, its sensibility and vulnerability, pain and sorrows, about its amazing gift of forgiving and infinite capacity of love.

I used to express my gratitude towards the Universe, thinking that it is enough to thank God for everything I was receiving. I was saying to myself… ‘Why thank humans? I thank God, he’s the one making everything possible.’ That was when I didn’t yet rediscover that God is alive in each one of us and in everything else around.

So I learned to say ‘Thank you’. To the people that touched my life in one way or another, may that be shallow or deep, joyous or painful, I am now saying…

Thank you. You contributed to what I am today, in your special, unique way.

I take this time to honor you, to honor myself. To honor Life and Death the same. Cause it is all part of Existence.

Thank you!



In ultimul timp imi daruiesc mult mai mult timp decat obisnuiam sa fac. Timp sa fiu cu mine, sa meditez, sa contemplu, timp sa respir constient, timp sa accept si sa imbratisez, timp sa… Fiu.

Intr-unul din aceste momente de a fi si a respira, mi-am dat seama ca nu pot onora persoana care sunt astazi fara a-mi onora trecutul. ‘Mi-am dat seama’ adica am simtit in celule, in tot corpul. Nu-mi pot onora trecutul, fara a onora toti oamenii care fac parte din acest trecut. Nu pot fi intr-adevar multumita cu cine sunt acum, fara a multumi fiecarui om intalnit in aceasta viata… Fie ca sunt in viata mea in continuare ori pur si simplu au fost in trecere la rascrucea drumurilor noastre, fiecare mi-a adus ceva, m-a invatat ceva, mi-a aratat ceva… Fiecare prietenie, fiecare relatie, fiecare conexiune m-a ghidat mai mult in interior catre inima mea, catre profunzimile fiintei mele.

Si astfel, invat despre complexitatea fiintei umane, despre frumusetea si gratia ei, despre tulburarile si facerile ei, despre sensibilitate si vulnerabilitate, despre dureri si regrete, despre uimitorul dar de a ierta si despre capacitatea infinita de a iubi.

Obisnuiam sa imi exprim recunostinta catre Univers, crezand ca este de ajuns sa ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru tot ceea ce primesc. Imi spuneam… ‘De ce sa multumesc oamenilor? Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu, care face ca totul sa fie posibil.’ Asta se intampla inainte sa redescopar ca Dumnezeu traieste in fiecare dintre noi si in tot ceea ce ne inconjoara.

Asa am invatat sa spun ‘Multumesc’. Celor care mi-au atins viata intr-un fel sau altul, fie superficial sau profund, cu bucurie ori durere, le spun acum…

Multumesc. In felul tau special, unic, ai contribuit la ceea ce sunt astazi.

Imi dau acest timp sa te onorez, sa ma onorez. Sa onorez Viata si Moartea deopotriva. Pentru ca totul este parte din Existenta.


Din inima,


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