It is said that the mystery cannot be contained in ‘something’ because it is infinite. It has no beginning and no end. It has no borders, halves or middle. It has no steps or levels. The mystery simply is.
But I believe that the heart can embrace the mystery. I believe that when you let all the walls that fear has build around the heart to be melted, what you discover is the incredible quality of the heart to embrace All. Good and bad. Beautiful and ugly. Sound and silence. Up and down. Cold and hot. Dark and light. Chaos and stillness. Laugh and cry. Black and white and all the colors from this Universe. The Universe itself. And even the Multiverse we exist in. It can embrace All that is and All that is not at once.And I believe that, if something else would and would not exist there is still space in the heart to embrace it.
Because the heart itself is a mystery. Infinite. It has no beginning and no end. It has no borders, halves or middle. It has no steps or levels. The heart simply is. It accepts, transforms, alchemize.
What it gives it life and makes everything possible is… love.
The heart loves. It doesn’t know any other language, it doesn’t know any other manifestation or other reality then the one of love. And so it is that love contains All that is and All that is not. So it is that love understands what is manifested and what is yet un-manifested. Love knows to listen to what is said and unsaid.
And, in silence, love whispers…
Iubirea, misterul...
Iubirea este un mister. Nu poate fi inteleasa, cuprinsa de minte. Poate fi experimentata, traita, gustata, simtita, dansata, pictata… diferite aspecte, acelasi mister.
Se spune ca misterul nu poate fi cuprins in ‘ceva’ pentru ca este infinit. Nu are inceput si nu are sfarsit. Nu are margini, jumatati ori mijloc. Nu are etape si nici niveluri. Misterul pur si simplu este.
Dar eu cred ca inima poate imbratisa misterul. Cred ca atunci cand lasi sa se dizolve toate zidurile pe care frica le-a construit in jurul inimii, ceea ce descoperi este incredibila calitate a inimii de a imbratisa Totul. Bun si rau. Frumos si urat. Sunet si liniste. Sus si jos. Rece si cald. Intuneric si lumina. Haos si nemiscare. Ras si plans. Alb si negru si toate culorile din Universul acesta. Universul in sine. Si chiar Multiversul in care existam. Poate imbratisa Tot ce este si ce nu este deopotriva. Si cred ca, daca ar mai fi si n-ar mai fi ceva, tot mai exista spatiu in inima pentru a-l imbratisa.
Pentru ca inima este ea insasi un mister. Infinita. Nu are inceput si nu are sfarsit. Nu are margini, jumatati ori mijloc. Nu are etape si nici niveluri. Inima pur si simplu este. Accepta, transforma, alchimizeaza.
Iar ceea ce-i da viata si face totul posibil este… iubirea.
Inima iubeste. Nu stie alt limbaj, nu cunoaste alta manifestare ori alta realitate decat cea a iubirii. Si astfel iubirea cuprinde tot ce este si tot ce nu este. Astfel iubirea intelege ceea ce este manifestat si ceea ce este inca nemanifestat. Stie sa asculte ceea ce este rostit si ceea ce este nerostit.
Si, in liniste, iubirea sopteste…
Din inima,
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