Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Love is...

Love doesn’t complain…
it doesn’t see defects
Love opens and accepts.
Love sponsors
and also knows how to receive.
Love nourishes
gently holds…
Love has no requirements to be filled
Love doesn’t know failings
nor demands…
Love rises while grounding at the same time
giving roots and wings the same
Love understands
tenderly taking care...
Love is hugging
being together
knowing and not knowing
letting go
and setting free…

and for you?
what is Love for you?



  1. Real, lasting love, complains and accepts that it is a part of life and loves him/her anyway. Love sees the defects and accepts them realizing that he/she has defects also. Love sponsors, sustains and also knows how to receive. Love nourishes, caressing gently and other times burns like a wild fire and accepts both as good. Love, true love demands fidelity and nothing less. Love knows failing and tears. Love stands together when illness and death become realities. Love rises to Heaven and farther throughout the universe causing the entire universe to be a better place and honoring the God/Gods/spirits even as it reaches down into Mother Earth for substance.
    Love understands, forgives, embraces, hurts, forgives again, tenderly taking care...
    Love is hugging, melting, being together, being apart and knowing that fidelity is being honored.
    knowing and not knowing and not needing to know because trust is there, letting go and setting free… and always with the knowledge that the freedom will not be abused,
    Love is knowing that it will last for eternity.

    and for me?
    that is Love

  2. Priya, I wanted to publish what love means for me... but that Anonymous wrote so beautiful, wrote that I feel and more...

    Thank both of you!

  3. For me love is experiencing the silence behind the silence...

    Thank you for your beautiful poem Priya


  4. Funny enough Wim, my very first post on this blog, 'I love, I learn, I Love' is just about this... love, silence...

