If I am dreaming, am I a dream too? If I am a dream, who is the one who dreamed me until now? Who is dreaming me right now? In this very moment?
If everything came from nothing, what is real? If nothing generated what I know as being real, then nothing is real. If nothing is real, and I am a part of everything that came from nothing, then it means I am nothing. And nothing is real. Therefore I am not real.
Unless... I am a reality in someone else’s dream. Unless I am real in someone else’s dreaming. Then a dreamer is dreaming me and makes me appear as real. How do I appear in this dream? Where does it all start? Am I a dreamer too? Who becomes real in my dream? Am I dreaming all these questions right now? Or are they real because I’m dreaming them into reality?
Right now, in this very moment, what IS real? It scares me to answer… nothing.
Universul se extinde la infinit. Creandu-se pe sine. Re-creand minuni in fiecare moment infinit. Daca asta este adevarat, atunci cum imi creez eu viata? Cum imi re-creez universul in fiecare moment infinit? Asupra carei viziuni vreau sa-mi mentin focusul? Ce vis vreau sa visez?
Daca acum visez, sunt si eu tot un vis? Daca sunt un vis, cine m-a visat pana acum? Cine ma viseaza chiar acum? In chiar acest moment?
Daca totul a venit din nimic, ce este real? Daca ceea ce cunosc ca fiind real a fost generat din nimic, atunci nimic nu este real. Daca nimic nu e real iar eu sunt o parte din totul care a aparut din nimic, inseamna ca sunt si eu nimic. Si nimic nu este real. Asadar, nici eu nu sunt reala.
Doar daca sunt o realitate in visul altcuiva. Doar daca am devenit reala in visarea altcuiva. Atunci un visator ma viseaza si ma face sa apar ca fiind reala. Oare cum apar in acest vis? Unde incepe totul? Sunt si eu o visatoare? Cine devine real in visul meu? Visez toate aceste intrebari chiar acum? Sau sunt reale tocmai pentru ca le visez in realitate?
Chiar acum, in acest moment, ce ESTE real? Ma tem sa raspund… nimic.
Din inima,
Do you know what I am dreaming now?
ReplyDeleteTo have a cup of cappuccino with you together :) After that to become bidrds and to fly in the blue sky...
Wow, I don't know how to express my meaning, but this is really good. The theme, the picture...Great. I also dreams everyday but couldn't remember when I am awake in the morning. But sometimes I can remember something, which gives me pains when I recall the dreams in daylight.
The theme, the picture...Great. I also dreams everyday but couldn't remember when I am awake in the morning. But sometimes I can remember something, which gives me pains when I recall the dreams in daylight. driver update