I started to write because it was overflowing. Because I broke the wall of illusions around my heart and so I started to listen to her. I started to hear her whispers, her tales, her longings and joys.
I started to write simply because it pours out of my fingers. Because in this world we are mirrors for each other. Because what my heart heals, your heart heals too. Because I believe in the value of sharing. And giving.
What am I sharing here? Thoughts and sensations and sentiments. My ups and downs, my depths and highs. My longings and understandings and questions that come, stay and then go. Makings and unbindings, confusions and clarities, the wanders of my soul and its returnings Home. Poems, tales and words on life.
If you read this, thank you. If you don't, thank you still. If you share what you feel, I'm honored. If you don't, I respect your silence. I believe nothing in this life is simply randomly... Neither that I'm writing now, nor that you're reading now, neither you'll keep your thoughts unwritten, nor if you'll lay them here.
With love,
Scrisoare de multumire
Am inceput sa scriu pentru ca dadea pe afara. Pentru ca mi-am frant zidul de iluzii ce-mi inconjura inima si asa am ajuns sa o ascult. Asa am inceput sa-i ascult soaptele, povestile, dorurile si bucuriile.
Am inceput sa scriu pur si simplu pentru ca imi curge prin degete. Pentru ca suntem in lumea asta oglinzi unul pentru celalalt. Pentru ca ceea ce vindeca inima mea, vindeca si a ta. Pentru ca eu cred in valoarea impartasirii. Si a daruirii.
Ce impartasesc aici? Ganduri si senzatii si sentimente. Susurile si josurile mele, profunzimile si inaltimile. Dorurile si intelegirele si intrebarile ce ma trec si ma petrec. Faceri si desfaceri, confuzii si claritati, hoinareli ale sufletului si intoarcerile Acasa. Poezii, povesti si vorbe despre viata.
De citesti, iti multumesc. De nu citesti, eu tot iti multumesc. De-mi impartasesti ce simti, sunt onorata. De nu-mi impartasesti, iti respect tacerea. Dar cred ca nimic din lumea asta nu este pur si simplu intamplator... Nici ca eu scriu acum, nici ca tu citesti acum, nici de-ti vei pastra gandurile nescrise, nici de le vei asterne aici.
Din inima,
I needed this today. I choose to walk with a loving heart earlier this week and it really puts me out there for hurt, but I won't stop and I need to search for others walking with a loving heart for support in my journey. Thank you for this. You are a blessing to me :)