There are moments when the only certitude is... the incertitude.When I feel that nothing that used to be valid exist and nothing new is yet formed. As if I'd be in a transition space, where what was is no more and what could be is not yet.
There are moments when I feel is not me who's living this life, but rather life is living me. Moments when I just observe. I observe everything that happens in my life, inside me, around me, inside others, in between.
There are moments when I feel like a sphere. A sphere where a whole Universe is being in an infinity of ways, all in the same time. And in this sphere, I am like a Queen.
I know that everything that is here follows my intention. I know that everything here is created by me. I don't yet realize how this is functioning, watching from here, from the outside, to all this scene with the sphere and the queen...
I don't yet realize what is the secret, how come that all exists in the same time, all from the Queen's intention.
What secret? The Queen smiles and opens her arms, only to reveal another whole Universe forming, continuously moving, continuously being born inside her heart, gate to beyond her, gate to infinity.
It looks exactly as a fractal, I observe myself catching a thought.
There are moments, just like this one now, when I feel I am the Queen. And the sphere is my life. Moments when I see somehow that everything is created through my intention, from an inner game. I realize how everything inside this sphere which is my life is created through my decision. I hold the responsibility, as I'm the Queen, ain't I?
And I'm asking myself if perhaps God is the same. Having his sphere where he decides, chooses, intends, watches, observes, playing of everything, all at once. Knowing that, after all, he holds the responsibility for his creation.
I wonder what would happen if God and the Queen would turn one to another and would look eye to eye, heart to heart, perfectly aligned one facing the other?
I'm watching curious what is happening, while they get closer, they turn to each other, they align them selves face to face, eye to eye, heart to heart... they reach out their hands to touch and...
It broke.
It was just a Mirror...
And Now... Now is silence. Silence and... Nothing.
As I would have watched a cosmic play on the Universe's scene.
Who is the Queen? Who is God?
Who is the Mirror?
I'm smiling...
Joc cosmic
Sunt momente in care singura certitudine este… incertitudinea. In care simt ca nimic din ce era valabil nu mai exista si inca nu e nimic nou format. Ca si cum as fi intr-un spatiu de tranzitie, iar ce a fost nu mai este si inca nu e altceva nou.
Sunt momente in care simt ca nu eu traiesc viata asta, ci ea ma traieste pe mine. Momente in care observ. Observ tot ce se petrece in viata mea, in mine, in jur, in ceilalti, intre noi.
Sunt momente in care ma simt ca o sfera. O sfera in care un intreg univers fiinteaza intr-o infinitate de feluri, toate in acelasi timp. Iar in sfera aceasta, sunt ca o Regina.
Stiu ca tot ce este aici imi urmeaza intentia. Stiu ca tot ce este aici, e creat de mine. Inca nu imi dau seama foarte bine cum functioneaza, de aici de pe margine de unde privesc toata scena asta cu sfera si cu regina…
Inca nu imi dau seama care este secretul, cum de toate exista in acelasi timp, toate din intentia Reginei.
Care secret? Zambeste Regina si isi deschide bratele doar pentru a dezvalui un alt intreg univers in formare, continuu miscandu-se, continuu nascandu-se in inima ei, poarta catre dincolo de ea, poarta catre infinit.
Arata exact ca un fractal, ma observ surprinzand un gand.
Sunt momente, ca acesta de acum, in care ma simt Regina. Iar sfera este viata mea. Momente in care surprind cumva, cum totul este creat din intentia mea, dintr-un joc interior. Realizez cum tot ce este in aceasta sfera de e viata mea este creat prin decizia mea. Responsabilitatea e la mine. Doar sunt Regina.
Si ma intreb, daca nu cumva Dumnezeu e si el la fel. Cu sfera lui in care decide, alege, intentioneaza, urmareste, observa, se joaca de-a diversele, toate in acelasi timp. Stiind ca, pana la urma, responsabilitatea pentru ce creeaza e a lui.
Oare ce s-ar intampla daca Regina si Dumnezeu s-ar intoarce unul catre celalalt si s-ar privi ochi in ochi, inima in inima, perfect aliniati unul in fata celuilalt?
Urmaresc curioasa ce se intampla, pe masura ce ei se apropie, se intorc unul catre celalalt, se aliniaza fata in fata, ochi in ochi, inima in inima… intind mainile sa se atinga si…
S-a spart.
Era doar o Oglinda…
Iar Acum… Acum e liniste. Liniste si… Nimic.
Ca si cum as fi privit o piesa de teatru cosmic pe scena Universului.
Cine-i Regina? Cine-i Dumnezeu?
Cine-i Oglinda?
Din inima,
cu mare drag, un premiu aici :