The moon is rising. Again. And again I find myself here, hearing the little voice inside softly telling me...
Hey, you've been caught in 'doing' lately. So much 'doing'. Stop. Breathe. Be. Listen to the trees, listen to the grass, listen the silence... Breathe with me for a while. Just breathe deeply.
So I stop. And breathe. Deeply. In silence. It's a coming home. No more thoughts running around like crazy, no worries, no questions. Inside, in that inner space, in my center, inside my heart, there is silence and peace. It's amazing how it comes to the surface. All it needs is a breath in deep enough to touch it and then, with the breathing out, it spreads to my whole being. And I feel whole again.
The moon, mysterious and silent, touches my heart with a smile. Heart smiles back :) And there's a thought coming in quickly, that she's just half now, she's not whole yet.
Gently, she says...
Though you see me as a half now, remember... I am always whole! Even when the sun is shining only on a part of me... I am still whole.
Thanking her for her kindness and for her answer, I promise myself that next time when I'll think of someone he's just half now, I'll remember that it is just the way I see him, not the way he really is.
It might be that sometimes we are showing only a part of us, but in fact, we are always whole!
De vorba cu Luna
Creste luna. Iar. Si iar ma gasesc aici, auzind vocea aceea delicata soptindu-mi usor...
Hei, ai tot 'facut' in ultima vreme. Atat de multe de 'facut'. Opreste-te. Respira. Fii. Asculta copacii, asculta iarba, asculta linistea... Respira cu mine pentru o vreme. Doar respira adanc.
Asa ca ma opresc. Si respir. Adanc. In liniste. E ca o venire acasa. Fara ganduri care alearga ca nebunele, fara griji, fara intrebari. Inauntru, in acel spatiu interior, in centrul meu, in inima, este liniste si pace. E uimitor cum iese la suprafata. Tot ce are nevoie este o inspiratie destul de adanca incat sa atinga acest spatiu, iar apoi, odata cu expiratia, se raspandeste peste tot. Si ma simt intreaga iar.
Luna, misterioasa si tacuta, imi atinge inima cu un zambet. Inima-i zambeste si ea :) Si apare un gand, rapid, ca este doar jumatate acum, nu-i intreaga inca.
Bland, imi spune...
Cu toate ca ma vezi ca pe o jumatate acum, aminteste-ti... sunt intotdeauna intreaga! Chiar si cand soarele imi lumineaza doar o parte din mine... tot intreaga sunt.
Ii multumesc pentru bunatate si pentru raspuns si imi promit ca, data viitoare cand voi gandi despre cineva ca este doar jumatate acum, o sa-mi amintesc ca este doar felul in care eu il vad, nu felul in care este in realitate.
Poate ca, uneori, ne aratam doar o parte din noi, dar de fapt, suntem intotdeauna intregi!
Din inima,
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