Sunday, 27 June 2010

The deepest, fullest, richest, most beautiful and fulfilled relationship from this life

The name you receive is Deva Priya, The Beloved of the Existence. This means of course you'll act like one...

These were the words I've been told when I received the sannyas name.

It's been one year since then and the energy of this name slowly began to manifest in my life. I started to feel Existence as the force surrounding me, supporting me, guiding me, inspiring me, teaching me, loving me...

I clearly felt I don't belong to a certain place so I can actually be anywhere. I belong to Existence and nature is where I feel at Home.

For the first time, I committed full hearted in being the Beloved. Not the friend, the buddy, the supporter, the carrier, but the Beloved.

I started to love life to its fullest. And life immediately responded me back, mirroring me the same.

After one year of consciously wearing this name, I love and I feel loved being present in the deepest, fullest, richest, most beautiful and fulfilled relationship from this life: the one with Existence!

Thank you from my open flowering loving heart!


Relatia cea mai profunda, mai deplina, mai bogata, mai frumoasa si implinitoare din aceasta viata

Numele pe care il primesti este Deva Priya, Iubita Existentei. Asta inseamna bineinteles sa te si porti asa...

Acestea au fost cuvintele care mi-au fost spuse cand am primit numele de sannyas.

A trecut un an de atunci si energia acestui nume a inceput sa se manifeste in viata mea. Am inceput sa simt Existenta ca fiind forta ce ma inconjoara, ma sprijina, ma ghideaza, ma inspira, ma invata, ma iubeste...

Am simtit clar ca nu apartin unui loc anume si ca pot fi oriunde. Pentru ca apartin Existentei si Natura este locul in care ma simt Acasa.

Pentru prima data, m-am implicat cu toata inima in a fi Iubita. Nu prietena, camarada, cea care sprijina, cea care poarta, ci Iubita.

Am inceput sa iubesc viata in intregul ei. Iar viata mi-a raspuns imediat, oglindindu-mi iubirea inapoi.

Dupa un an in care port constient acest nume, iubesc si ma simt iubita fiind prezenta in relatia cea mai profunda, mai deplina, mai bogata, mai frumoasa si implinitoare din aceasta viata: relatia cu Existenta!

Iti multumesc cu inima deschisa, infloritoare si iubitoare!

Din inima,

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