Wednesday, 12 May 2010

I choose Love

More and more often I choose to love. Where other times I would have judged, I would have commented, I would have raised my eyebrow in a question mark, now I choose to love.

Instead of seeing defects in other people, I choose to love them. Instead of blaming, I choose to love.

Instead of giving advices to friends, I choose to love them. I know now they don’t need advices. They’re doing just great :)

Yesterday I received an email that in my past would have been a reason for me to find at least one thousand different ways in which I would have proceeded and, of course, one thousand of critics. Instead of that, I chose to love. And to laugh. Pealing. With tears of laughter. I laughed with someone else and I laughed all by myself. Better said, it was not me who started to laugh, it was laughter that started me. And it kept me for a few hours. I know now it wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn't for love. Without love, it wouldn’t have been possible to not judge, to not criticize. I instantly chose to love, as if other choice didn’t even exist.

And this was possible because, one day, a while ago, when I was in the middle of one of my biggest lost from this life, I chose to love myself. I chose Love.

And, ever since, it's like a play: when I choose Love, Love chooses me back. Every time. With no exceptions.


Aleg Iubirea

Din ce in ce mai des aleg sa iubesc. Acolo unde alta data as fi judecat, as fi comentat, as fi ridicat din spranceana intrebator, acum aleg sa iubesc.

Pe acei oameni carora le-as fi vazut defecte, acum aleg sa ii iubesc. In loc sa impart vinovatii, aleg sa iubesc.

Aleg sa iubesc prietenii aflati in situatii in care as fi dat sfaturi. Stiu acum ca n-au nevoie de sfaturi. Se descurca ei de minune :)

Ieri am primit un mesaj al carui continut m-ar fi aruncat alta data in a gasi cel putin o mie de moduri diferite in care eu as fi facut si cel putin o mie de critici. Am ales in schimb sa iubesc. Si sa rad. In hohote. Cu lacrimi. Am ras impreuna cu, am ras si singura. Cateva ore. Practic, nu eu am inceput sa rad, mai degraba rasul m-a inceput pe mine si m-a cuprins cu o pofta nebuna. Stiu acum ca nu ar fi fost posibil, fara sa iubesc. Fara sa iubesc, nu ar fi fost posibil sa nu judec, sa nu critic. Am ales instantaneu sa iubesc, ca si cand alta alegere nici macar nu ar fi existat.

Iar asta a fost posibil pentru ca, la un moment dat, traind una din cele mai mari pierderi din viata asta, am ales sa ma iubesc. Am ales Iubirea.

Si, de atunci, e ca un joc: cand eu aleg Iubirea, Iubirea ma alege inapoi. De fiecare data. Fara exceptie.

Din inima,

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