Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The gifts of dating

Being in a relationship used to mean for me that I have to do something, to give some input/effort to make it work.

Until I felt it's time to change this way of relating and I said 'Let's date. No more relationship. For me, now it's time to date.'

So I am. Dating that is. And here's what I'm practicing since 6 months of dating:

being in the moment
breathing (like a lot of it, deep and conscious)
keeping awareness alive
loving and flowering
being alert and relaxed in the same time
softness and gentleness
always coming back to myself
going deeper into myself
having fun and adventure
saying Yes
love and freedom
being crazy and centered in the same time (that's kind of acrobacy)
remaining present, knowing that is nothing but a dream of monkeys
being generous and happy instead of being right (Iihuu!)
giving and receiving (with emphasis on receiving, cause that was almost impossible for me)
smiling instead of advising (coming from a 'save the world' woman... that's big)
futureless love (this is a new concept)
being cool with coming contradictions (beginner's level, cause I still need to understand... for few minutes, and then I let it be)
taking it nice and easy
seeing things with new and new eyes (which causes spontaneous laughing, 'out of the blue')

As long as I learn and grow from this dating experience, I guess it's a good one for me. It took away the heaviness of a 'serious relationship' and it brought me lightness, unpredictable, relaxation and authenticity in ongoing relating.

Does this means love is not here? Not at all, my dear, not at all...



  1. Dating for 2 years leded us to a relationship that is lasting for 7 years now. I would never belived it. So enjoy the moment :)


  2. ...hmmmmmmmmmmm... come again? u need 2 put a Legend like: love=... Well... Spring has it's moments! ...f***'em... ups! :)
    I love U!
    i'm older and I know: anything goes as a matter of fact, in Love and War!
    Now I shall understand if u'll kick me out with the proverbial: I do not know this woman! :)) "Off with her head!"

  3. Gloria, biiiig hug :) Fiecare cu povestea lui, ma bucur tare pentru a ta, ma bucur si pentru a mea, asa cum este ea acum :)

    edani honey, I love you too :))
