Please, come and transform through me
I'm asking Water
Please, come and heal through me
I'm asking Earth
Please, come and nourish through me
I'm asking Air
Please, come and breathe through me
And I'm asking Love...
Please, come and love through me
Make your home from my cells
Take this body and live through it
Take this voice and speak through it
Take these eyes and see through them
Take these hands and touch through them
Open this heart and flow through it
so that it too can do your work
Ii cer Focului
Te rog, vino si transforma prin mine
Ii cer Apei
Te rog, vino si vindeca prin mine
Ii cer Pamantului
Te rog, vino si hraneste prin mine
Ii cer Aerului
Te rog, vino si respira prin mine
Si ii cer Iubirii...
Te rog, vino si iubeste prin mine
Fa-ti casa in celulele mele
Ia corpul cesta si traieste prin el
Ia-mi vocea si graieste prin ea
Ia-mi ochii si priveste prin ei
Ia-mi mainile si atinge prin ele
Deschide inima ceasta si curgi prin ea
ca si ea sa-ti poata face lucrarea
Din inima,
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