I don't remember now who said it and exactly how, but this is the idea of it.
Look careful at what you hate and you'll discover that in fact you hate what you once loved.
Words of wisdom that I hold dearly in my heart.
I love something about you and in the very moment I feel it most intense, I remember that one day I might hate the same something, with the same intensity I love now. And it keeps me grounded, connected with Here and Now, aware that 'happily ever after' is a concept I once read in a fairytale.
I hate something about you and in the very moment I feel it most intense, I remember that once I used to love the same something, with the same intensity I hate now. And it softens me, reconnecting myself with my heart, with Here and Now, aware that inside the heart there is space for everything.
Osho said it should be one word: lovehate. Maybe if it would be like this, maybe if it would be lovehate instead of love and hate, we would know that the easiest people to hate are the ones that we love most.
We would know that love has in it the seed of hate as well as hate has in it the seed of love.
Then we wouldn't be surprised asking 'How did this happen?' because we would know that love and hate come together as lovehate. As day and night come together and no one asks 'How did this happen?' when night comes...
Nu-mi amintesc acum cine a spus-o si exact in ce forma, dar ideea este
Priveste cu atentie si vei descoperi ca, de fapt, ceea ce urasti acum este ceea ce, candva, ai iubit.
Cuvinte intelepte, pe care le pastrez in inima.
Iubesc ceva la tine si, in momentul in care simt cu cea mai mare intensitate, imi amintesc ca, intr-o buna zi, s-ar putea sa urasc acelasi ceva, cu aceeasi intensitate cu care acum iubesc. Ma ajuta sa raman cu picioarele pe pamant, conectata cu Aici si Acum, constienta ca 'fericiti pana la adanci batraneti' este un concept pe care l-am citit odata intr-o poveste.
Urasc ceva la tine si, in momentul in care simt cu cea mai mare intensitate, imi amintesc ca, odata, iubeam acelasi ceva, cu aceeasi intensitate cu care acum urasc. Ma domoleste, reconectandu-ma cu inima mea, cu Aici si Acum, constienta ca in inima este spatiu pentru tot si toate.
Osho spunea ca ar trebui sa fie un singur cuvant: iubireura. Poate ca daca ar fi asa, poate ca daca ar fi iubireura in loc de iubire si ura, am sti ca cel mai usor de urat oameni sunt cei pe care ii iubim cel mai mult.
Am sti ca iubirea poarta in ea samanta urii la fel cum ura poarta n ea samanta iubirii.
Si nu am mai fi surprinsi, intreband 'Cum de s-a intamplat asa ceva?' pentru ca am sti ca iubirea si ura vin impreuna ca iubireura. Asa cum ziua si noaptea vin impreuna si nimeni nu intreaba 'Cum de s-a intamplat asa ceva?' cand vine noaptea...
Din inima,
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