Monday, 26 July 2010

The amazing simplicity of love

We master what we practice. As many others like me, I practiced since I was a little girl 'you're not allowed to...', 'it's not good to...', 'it's not proper to...', 'a little girl doesn't behave like this' and other things and 'realities' meant to complicate and to tangle the relating space between two or more people.

I grew up with masks given and borrowed from the procession of adults that was present in my childhood. I grew up learning rather to be who I am not, having a constant feeling that it doesn't work like this, that something is wrong, incongruent. Wanting to please and to 'make it work', I complicated my relationships through not having the courage to be who I was, as I was in each This moment.

All these just to eventually learn that love is really, really simple. That relating from fear and conditioning makes life twisted and complicated, while relating from love makes everything natural, flowing, smooth and simple. That, if it is allowed to freely flow, love takes new and new shapes even in the same context. That it gives space and freedom. It allows you to be, to manifest, to discover yourself, always you, always new. To learn that love opens, includes, expands.

And that, through silence, love speaks to me. So simple. And so, so beautiful...


Uimitoarea simplitate a iubirii

Devenim maestri in ceea ce practicam. Iar eu, ca si altii ca mine, am practicat de mica 'nu e voie sa...', 'nu e bine sa...', ' nu se cade sa...', 'o fetita nu face asa ceva' si tot felul de alte lucruri si 'realitati' menite sa incurce si sa complice spatiul relationarii dintre doi sau mai multi oameni.

Am crescut cu masti date si imprumutate de la alaiul de adulti ce mi-a populat copilaria. Am crescut invatand mai degraba sa fiu cine nu sunt, cu un constant sentiment ca nu merge asa, ca ceva nu e in regula, nu e la locul lui. Vrand sa fiu 'pe plac' si 'sa fie bine', am complicat relatiile, neavand curaj sa fiu cine sunt eu asa cum eram in fiecare Acest moment.

Ca sa invat, pana la urma, ca iubirea este de fapt tare, tare simpla. Ca relationarea din frica si conditionari face viata sa devina sucita si complicata, in timp ce relationarea din iubire este naturala, curgatoare, simpla. Ca, lasata sa curga liber, iubirea ia noi si noi forme chiar si in acelasi cadru. Ca ofera spatiu si libertate. Ca permite sa fii, sa te manifesti, sa te descoperi mereu tu, mereu nou. Ca iubirea deschide, include, extinde.

Si ca, prin liniste, imi vorbeste. Atat de simplu. Si atat de frumos...

Din inima,

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