I'm walking in this life a path of service. I'm stepping on it with love in my heart and respect for Life, in a gentle and kind way, while learning to remain true to my being.
I have the vision of a world where people relate from a space of love and respect towards themselves and others. A world where hearts are open, embracing each moment with their true nature.

I believe it is in my mission to be a part of this world and to participate in creating it. And this is what I do each day, through my work, through my being.
A while ago, I wrote down how I want my life to be. Or, better said, what I chose to make out of this life I'm living now. So here it is:
My life manifest
Awareness. That’s the first thing coming to my mind. My life is a great opportunity to bring awareness in everything I do, I say, I feel, I act, I think, I create….
Love. Everything I do, I do it with love, from love and for the sake of love. Love towards myself and love towards all the human beings. Love towards all the living creatures and love to this planet Earth. Love to the whole Universe and to everything that is. Love for Life.
Happiness and joy. I create realities that bring happiness and joy in my life and in the lives of all people I’m interacting with.
Sunshine. Sunshine is a place inside me as well as outside me. Every day I let myself be cherished, loved, nurtured, embraced, healed, warmed by the sunshine, wherever that is.
Meaning and service. Everything I do, think or feel has a meaning and is aligned with the Greater Wisdom that created me and with this life purpose. I offer myself and my all to Existence, to live a life with meaning and in service of humanity.
Health. All my actions and thoughts generate physical, emotional, spiritual health. If something unhealthy for body, mind or spirit comes my way, I just say thank you and easily release it.
Abundance and prosperity. I open myself to receive each moment all the resources that I need and all that I want and ask for. I chose to live now in a stream of abundance and prosperity.
Gratitude, meditation, stillness and inner peace. I start each day by thanking God for this life and for everything in it. I meditate each day and connect with that place inside me, in the very center of my being, endlessly silent, where stillness and peace is, where All is.
Music and dance. I’m listening the music that the Universe is singing and I am dancing my way through life.
Inspiration. I live each day in inspiration and I receive the flow of life. I spend each day moments just being with myself, connected with my inner source of inspiration that comes from aligning me with the Divine Wisdom.
Nature. I belong to nature and nature is my teacher. I live in total harmony with nature and each day I take some time to go out and just be, breathe, love and honor the Nature and Mother Earth. And by this, I respect my own nature.
Freedom. I have the freedom to live my life the way I chose each moment. I am free to be who I am.
And so it is. And so shall be.

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