Sunday, 31 January 2010

Lovers talking...

Do you need space?
I have all the space I need.
I love you.
Yes, this is what I meant.



Ai nevoie de spaţiu?
Am tot spaţiul de care am nevoie.
Te iubesc.
Da, asta am vrut să spun.

Din inimă,

Thursday, 21 January 2010


When you find yourself amazed and speechless
yet the dance inside won't stop
When you find your heart warm and infinite
embracing existence with its all
When your smile reaches the sky
and your eyes are glittering all day
When your voice is soften
and inside all is in peace

When the words are useless
cause all you hear is silence
When each moment is infinity
of becoming endless Now
When each single sound is so rich
that it has turn into a song
When you can't taste anything sweet
Cause all the sweetness is inside

When the emptiness inside
is filling every cell
When in just one breath
you hold eternity
When even a blade of grass
is a mystery to you
And the spaciousness inside
is wider than the sky

When the dawn is shapeless
of taking the beloved shape
When the morning sun wakes you up
bringing you the beloved smile
When you melt inside a moment
that's becoming the beloved embrace
And the presence that you feel
has the beloved fragrance

When your mind is thoughtless
and your heart has found its peace
In the wonder of your soul
In the sweetness of your smile
In the stillness of your being...
You, my soul
Know that love has found you
And Home is where you are!


Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Speak, my heart

Speak, my heart
And let the world know your journey
Tales of love
and wisdom
Tales of pain
and tears
Tales of magic
and fairies
Speak out
your love
your beauty
your sensibility
the mystery
the treasures
hidden deep inside
the longings
the turmoils
and the makings
that brought you back Home.
Let yourself be seen,
my heart,
with the gentleness
the softness
the sweetness
and frailty...
Let your colors
be sang
Let your fragrance
be seen
Let your essence
be tasted...
Let your fire purify
Let your light heal
Let your waters run still
And in the silence of your core
as fragile as you are
as strong as you are
Speak, my heart
And let the world know your journey…


Sunday, 17 January 2010

Nothing to do... No where to go...

Tonight I don't miss you.
Tonight I don't want you.

I just love you and hold you in my heart.
I'm contemplating your smile and the universe that opens in your eyes when looking in mine.
I'm just flowing through the corners of your being...

With nothing to do... No where to go...

Just being... relaxing... breathing...

Tonight I don't want you...
I just love you and hold you in my heart...



Saturday, 16 January 2010

Journey to my heart

Openness, sway, floating, caress, embrace, colors, velvetness, wonder, treasures, love, mystery, nourishment, lightness, shineness, joy, warmth, aliveness, gratitude… all here, inside my heart. In the underwater garden of my heart.

My heart takes sound. The sound takes voice. I hear myself singing my heart. Singing its motion, its floating, its sparkling, its dancing.

And you are here. As you’d be in your own home. You dive in my heart as it is your Home. And I’m receiving you. Looking at you. Contemplating. I’m melting. I’m merging. I’m rising.

I'm wondering. I’m surprised. I’m amazed.

I’m thanking.

I’m smiling.

I love my heart :)


So much magnificence...

Călătorie în inima mea

Deschidere, mişcare, plutire, mângâiere, îmbrăţişare, culori, catifelare, minune, comori, iubire, mister, hrănire, lumină, strălucire, bucurie, căldură, viaţă, recunoştinţă… toate aici, în inima mea. În grădina subacvatică a inimii mele.

Inima mea capătă sunet. Sunetul capătă voce. Mă aud cântându-mi inima. Cântându-i mişcarea, plutirea, scânteierea, dansul.

Iar tu eşti aici. Ca la tine acasă. Înoţi în inima mea de parcă ar fi Acasa ta. Iar eu te primesc. Te privesc. Te admir. Mă topesc. Mă contopesc. Ţâşnesc.

Mă mir. Mă surprind. Mă minunez.



Îmi iubesc inima :)

Din inimă,

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Instead of I love you

Good beautiful things are happening now inside me :)

I’m exploring this space within where love is, where warm is, where is flowering and growing, where silence and joy are together, where creativity flows and dance is instantly happening…

The space where I find my aliveness, my passion, my sensuality, the tenderness and gentleness too…

The space where smile is the seed, laughter is the flower and spontaneous happiness is its fruit…

A space of strength, of moving rootedness, of connectivity, where there is no mask, no hiding, where sincerity is the soul's magic mirror…

A space where smile feeds on smile, love feeds on love, freedom feeds on freedom… naturally, effortlessly, joyously…

A space of deep silence and gratitude, of song and celebration…

And maybe the first thing I would have done in the past it would have been to conclude with 'I love you', thinking that it’s something great in giving you my love, without realizing the ‘load’ and the pressure that comes with it.

Now I choose not to project this space on you. Now I choose to let you free of my expectations. Now I’m free to be me, just as you’re free to be you.

Now I’m delighting myself in this space, I’m breathing in it, I’m letting it be.

Now I just hold this space and open it for you. I invite you in. So you also have the freedom to choose, to step in, to explore, as well as to step out when you wish.

Now I can respect your pace, cause I learned to follow and respect my own pace, my inner rhythm.

Thank you, darling, for awakening this space inside me.

I am open. And you are welcomed.


În loc de Te iubesc

Tare frumoase mai sunt lucrurile de se întâmplă acum în fiinţa mea :)

Mă găsesc explorând acest spaţiu interior unde este iubire, unde este căldură, creştere şi înflorire, unde tăcerea şi bucuria sunt împreună, unde creativitatea curge şi dansul se întâmplă instantaneu…

Spaţiul în care îmi regăsesc vitalitatea, pasiunea, senzualitatea, tandreţea şi blândeţea de asemenea…

Spaţiul în care zâmbetul este sămânţa, râsul este floarea iar fericirea spontană este fructul…

Un spaţiu de putere, de înrădăcinare mobilă, conectare, unde nu este nicio mască, unde nu este ascundere, unde sinceritatea este oglinda magică a sufletului…

Un spaţiu în care zâmbetul hrăneşte zâmbet, iubirea hrăneşte iubire, libertatea hrăneşte libertate… în mod natural, fără efort, cu bucurie…

Un spaţiu de linişte profundă şi gratitudine, de cântec şi sărbătoare…

Şi poate că primul lucru pe care l-aş fi făcut în trecut ar fi fost să ajung la concluzia 'Te iubesc', crezând că e ceva minunat şi măreţ în a-ţi dărui iubirea, fără a realiza încărcătura şi presiunea care vin la pachet.

Acum aleg să nu proiectez acest spaţiu asupra ta. Acum aleg să te las liber de aşteptările mele. Acum sunt liberă să fiu eu, aşa cum tu eşti liber să fii tu.

Acum mă delectez în acest spaţiu, respir în el, îi dau voie să fie.

Acum pur şi simplu susţin acest spaţiu şi îl deschid pentru tine. Te invit înăuntru. Astfel încât să ai libertatea de a alege, de a păşi în acest spaţiu, de a explora, de a păşi în afara lui când doreşti.

Acum pot să respect ritmul tău, pentru că am învăţat să îmi urmez şi să respect propriul ritm.

Îţi mulţumesc, dragule, că ai trezit în mine acest spaţiu care acum este deschis şi în care tu eşti binevenit.

Din inimă,

Monday, 4 January 2010

Freedom comes from Love

I lived an important part of my life believing that love and freedom cannot go together. I ended up relationships where there was still love in my heart, because I wanted to be free again. I was so strongly believing that I cannot have freedom when I experience love within a couple and that I cannot love when I live my freedom, because for me to live both love and freedom in the same time was not possible. So I ran away from deep, profound love and intimacy, fearing that I could lose my freedom.

Sometimes I was blessed enough to touch a kind of intimacy but when I got there I was so not ready for it and it was so much, so… overwhelming, that either I ran away, either he ran away, not knowing how to deal with something this deep, this vast, as intimacy.

Part of the journey might be about learning how to get to intimacy, but for sure the secret of happiness for me it is about learning to accept intimacy and just be with it, not doing something, but taste it, breath it… The problem is that for the mind it can be so easily confused with losing one self that it might become too scary. And in one way it is - because there's no mind anymore, no ego, no sense of self… there comes the Being, the one's true nature.

Until the day I've felt inside my being that Freedom comes from Love. It is not Love that wants to grab, to hold, to keep or to tie down. When this happens, it is Fear in action, not Love. Love can exist and grow only in a space of allowance, of letting be.

Both Love and Freedom are intrinsic states and therefore cannot be lost. Both are inner states and do not come from outer sources. And once you find them inside, where the real source is, you simply can’t lose them anymore.

So I discovered there is freedom to be myself as well as freedom to give my partner the space he needs to be himself. I discovered that the more I take the freedom to be myself, the more natural is for me that the partner also can be free to manifest himself just as he is.

I discovered there is freedom to say Yes and freedom to say No. Freedom to accept Yes and freedom to accept No.

Freedom to love and show myself as I am, with both light and shadow, with strength and vulnerability as well, with moments of beauty and ugliness also, with innocence and wisdom, with anger as well as love, with my aloneness and withdrawals within myself and also with the openness and expansion towards others…

Freedom to love and accept the partner as he is, with both light and shadow, with strength and vulnerability as well, with moments of beauty and ugliness also, with innocence and wisdom, with anger as well as love, with aloneness and withdrawals within himself and also with the openness and expansion towards others…

Then each has a space to grow, being alone and, in the same time, together. Then intimacy can happen. Then intimacy has a space to be there, between two individuals, between a man and a woman.

And all these can happen only when you come to love yourself. Until that moment, there's not so much of a freedom, isn't it? 


Libertatea vine din Iubire

Am trait o mare parte din viata crezand ca iubirea si libertatea nu pot fi impreuna. Am terminat relatii in care inca simteam iubire in inima mea, doar pentru ca am vrut sa fiu libera iar. Am crezut atat de tare ca nu pot avea libertate intr-o relatie si ca nu pot sa iubesc cand sunt libera, pur si simplu pentru ca, pentru mine, sa traiesc in acelasi timp si iubire si libertate nu era posibil. Asa ca am fugit de intimitate si iubire profunda, de frica sa nu cumva sa-mi pierd libertatea.

Cateodata am fost destul de binecuvantata sa traiesc un soi de intimitate, dar cand am ajuns in acel moment, eram atat de nepregatita pentru asta si era atat de mult, atat de... coplesitor, incat fie am fugit eu, fie a fugit el, nestiind cum sa fim in fata a ceva atat de adanc, atat de vast, ca intimitatea.

Poate ca parte din calatorie este despre a invata cum sa ajungi la intimitate, dar cu siguranta secretul fericirii pentru mine este sa invat sa accept intimitatea si doar sa fiu, fara sa fac nimic, decat sa o gust, sa o respir... Problema este ca, pentru minte, poate fi foarte usor confundat cu a te pierde pe tine si poate deveni infricosator. Si intr-un fel chiar asa este - pentru ca mintea nu mai este, nici egoul... in intimitate apare a Fi, adevarata natura a fiintei.

Pana in ziua in care am simtit in interiorul meu ca Libertatea vine din Iubire. Nu Iubirea este cea care vrea sa apuce, sa tina, sa pastreze sau sa lege. Cand se intampla asta, este Frica in actiune, nu Iubirea. Iubirea poate exista si creste doar intr-un spatiu de a permite, de a lasa sa fie.

Iubirea si Libertatea sunt stari intrinsece si, prin urmare, nu pot fi pierdute. Ambele sunt stari interioare si nu vin din surse exterioare. Iar odata ce le-ai gasit inauntru, unde este adevarata sursa, pur si simplu nu le mai poti pierde.

Asa am descoperit ca am libertatea de a fi eu insami ca si libertatea de a-i da partenerului spatiul de care are nevoie sa fie el insusi. Am descoperit ca, pe masura ce imi dau libertatea de a fi eu insami, cu atat mai natural imi pare ca si partenerul sa fie liber sa se manifeste asa cum e.

Am gasit libertatea de a spune Da si libertatea de a spune Nu. Libertatea de a accepta Da si libertatea de accepta Nu.

Libertatea de a ma iubi si a ma arata asa cum sunt, cu lumina si intuneric, cu forta si vulnerabilitate de asemenea, cu momente de frumusete dar si de uratenie, cu inocenta si intelepciune, cu furie ca si cu iubire, cu singuratatea mea si cu momentele de retragere si de asemenea cu deschiderea si expansiunea catre ceilalti...

Libertatea de a iubi si accepta partenerul asa cum este, cu lumina si intuneric, cu forta si vulnerabilitate de asemenea, cu momente de frumusete dar si de uratenie, cu inocenta si intelepciune, cu furie ca si cu iubire, cu singuratatea lui si cu momentele de retragere si de asemenea cu deschiderea si expansiunea catre ceilalti...

Astfel, fiecare are spatiu sa creasca, fiind singuri si, in acelasi timp, impreuna. Astfel, intimitatea se poate intampla. Astfel, intimitatea are spatiu sa fie acolo, intre doi indivizi, intre un barbat si o femeie.

Si toate acestea se pot intampla numai cand ajungi sa te iubesti pe tine. Pana in acel moment, nu prea e cine stie ce libertate, nu-i asa?  

Din inima,

Sunday, 3 January 2010

My neverending story - reloaded :))

Last year on my birthday I was writing what I called then 'My neverending story':

The more I open, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I discover.
The more I discover, the deeper I go.
The deeper I go, the more I heal.
The more I heal, the sensitive I become.
The sensitive I become, the more vulnerable I am.
The more vulnerable I am, the more awareness I have.
The more aware, the more I feel.
The more I feel, the more Love flows.
The more Love flows, the more I open.
The more I open…
Here it comes again!!!!! 

Of course there's a reason why I remembered this now. What I wrote there is still true, except the end of it. Cause I see Life's offering me a chance to re-write the story. To see there're also other options.

Yes, Life is happening in cycles, yet we don't have to do the same again and again, don't we?

So instead of saying 'Shit! Here it comes again!!!!!'

I say now...

I am exploring this moment just as it is
a New moment!

And already new choices have been made. They say you can't step twice in the same river. So how can it come again? I am not the same, how can it be the same?

Indeed love is the key that leads to awareness. And I'm happy and grateful when experiencing both.
